A 2nd anniversary is kind of a big deal. You past the first 365 days of married life, the proof of concept, and yet you’re still pressing on with this arrangement anyway. Your job now is to make the second year even more memorable than the first. And the following year even more memorable than that, for the next few decades. But don’t worry, they say it gets easier. You can start with one of these gifts.
Ring this one up as a gift for both of you (and you can never have too many opportunities to work those in). Smooth, cool, silky satin sheets blow cotton away by any reasonable standard. After a long day of reminiscing about all the great years you’ve spent together, this is the stuff that you’ll want to come home and writhe around in. The only problem is you’ll want to stay in bed all day. Better cross a couple of weeks off your calendar just to be safe.
Most of the time, we don’t exactly chronicle our relationships. We let the day-to-day fluctuations in our feelings, beliefs, and attitudes recede into the hazy distance of memory. Sometimes this works just fine, because if you need ammo for an argument you can just make things up, and sometimes the other person believes you, and then you win. Sort of. But not really. This journal provides daily questions for both partners to fill out over the course of three years, ranging from simple and straightforward to deeply introspective. A great way to look back and see how your thoughts and feelings have actually changed.
Life is becoming almost infinitely customizable, so why should jewelry be any different? Think of this as your iJewelry store. Diamond rings don’t exactly come cheap, so why should you have to choose between one ring that has your favorite setting and one that has your favorite diamond? Now you get to tell them which parts to put together, just like at Burger King. The only way you’re going to get more DIY is if you grab a pickax and head out for the mines. And we all know you don’t have time for that.
Go ahead and raise the thrill factor in your relationship a few notches. A lightning round of skee ball, a neck-snapping spin on the bumper cars, and a hell-raising run on a roller coaster should do the trick! You’ll both be grinning from ear to ear from the moment you step into the magical land of non-stop diversion. Share a banana split, float to the top of the Ferris wheel and let go of everything but your sweetheart’s hand!
There’s not many gifts that scream, ‘I love you’ more than chocolate covered strawberries. They’re an old classic, one of the ultimate recipes for romance and they make a particularly perfect present for anyone with a sweet tooth (who deserves to be spoiled but who also wants to stay healthy on the inside, just like these delicious little delicacies themselves).
You’ve managed to waltz your way through love so far, so make sure you’re keeping to the right rhythm as you foxtrot into your future together. Whether you’re practicing a smooth samba or a sexy salsa, dancing lessons are a fantastic way to make sure you’re in perfect sync and you don’t miss a beat.
Is our destiny really written in the stars? It probably felt like the stars aligned on the day you finally found ‘the one’ and this gift will help you to remember that moment forever. Even if you were too busy gazing into each other’s eyes to look up at the night sky, the beautiful image will always remind you of that beautiful day. You supply the date and location, and let math and the laws of physics do the rest.
Going grocery shopping together on a Friday night doesn’t quite cut it after a while. Hitting up the exotics aisle might feel like a walk on the wild side, but you’re going to have to add in a bit more spice than that! Test the boundaries of the relationship with an impulsive, fearless outing that just might reveal some hidden sides of yourself and your mate and elevate the intimacy factor.
Going to bed angry is not an option with these adorable cushions cradling you and your sweetheart’s heads. Even the most adrenaline-filled pillow fight won’t be able to squash the honey goodness that flows between you two lovebirds. Make a spirited, endearing statement in the bedroom and promote nothing but the sweetest gumdrop lollypop dreams every night for the remainder of your precious union.
Every now and then, you may get the urge to ship your mate off to Siberia. It’s a much better idea to redirect those frustrations and draft an itinerary for a joint excursion that the two of you can enjoy … together! Whether it’s a grand adventure to a distant continent or a simpler road trip perusing local haunts and treasured nooks, embarking on a commemorative journey will breathe new life into your relationship and help remind you why you’re together!
Matching t-shirts and twin bracelets are cute, but they don’t send quite the same message of togetherness that a committed couple should be aiming for. Take yourself off the market definitively with some appearance-altering skin ink. The latest in relationship branding, these companion tattoos add a whole new degree of permanence to the relationship. Be brave and go bold, but make hay while the sun shines, lovebirds—body art looks best on young, supple skin!
Giving the gift of roses to your love is pretty traditional, but since roses just wilt and die shortly after they’re received, they’re really not a good symbol for ever-lasting and growing commitment. These beautifully preserved roses will never wilt and require no care or water. What better way to express your eternal adoration for the love of your life?
You’ve done so many amazing things together that you might be hard pressed for an novel idea on the next date night. Don’t panic, we’ve found the perfect solution with this gift. 52 new ideas that are sure to keep things interesting. The best part? They’ll love it so much they won’t even realize that you may have bought it with yourself in mind. We won’t tell if you won’t…
Your anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to stop fighting for a whole day and express your love anew (unless one of you forgets, and then it’s World War III). But as sweet as anniversaries are, they only take up one three-hundred-sixty-fifth of your time together. Imagine if you could extend that for a whole month. Well, now you can. This romantic jar contains 31 love-soaked messages, so the good feelings just keep on coming. Choose from ready-made sets with messages already included, blank cards that you can fill in yourself, or Kindnotes will custom print your personalized set and jar.
Take a trip to the beach and leave a trail of your love in the sand for everyone to read with these custom flip flops. Your names and wedding date will be temporarily stamped into the ground for complete strangers to puzzle over!
If your whirlwind romance feels like a blur, maybe it’s time to start sorting through the gigabytes of digital memories so you can design a hard-copy keepsake. Not only will it breathe new life into treasured snippets of time long past, but it will become a priceless memento decades from now, when you may have trouble remembering who the heck this grumpy companion lying next to you is.
Commemorate your wedding sci-fi style with this amazing 3D laser sculpted portrait. Just pick your favorite wedding photo and have these wizards turn it into a crystal encased hologram-style portrait. It’ll be just the thing to put on the bookshelf of your spaceship someday.