Love is a fickle thing, so when you find a love that lasts, you should celebrate the crap out of it, year after year after year. This is the anniversary gift tradition in a nutshell. So as you seek to shower your other half in material symbols of appreciation, keep in mind that you’ve got a grand tradition to uphold. Not that you should feel any pressure. We’re just saying — choose wisely. But you already knew that, didn’t you? After all, that’s why you’re here.
Going grocery shopping together on a Friday night doesn’t quite cut it after a while. Hitting up the exotics aisle might feel like a walk on the wild side, but you’re going to have to add in a bit more spice than that! Test the boundaries of the relationship with an impulsive, fearless outing that just might reveal some hidden sides of yourself and your mate and elevate the intimacy factor.
For centuries people have been asking for the key to a happy marriage. It’s a wonder that it took so long for someone to finally make it. Judging by the demand, they’re going to make a killing off of this. And though we have not yet held the product in our own hands, visually it fits the bill: elegant, simple, and to the point, with just a touch of sentimentality. This is the key that opens the most impenetrable of doors, the door to the human heart.
You’ve done so many amazing things together that you might be hard pressed for an novel idea on the next date night. Don’t panic, we’ve found the perfect solution with this gift. 52 new ideas that are sure to keep things interesting. The best part? They’ll love it so much they won’t even realize that you may have bought it with yourself in mind. We won’t tell if you won’t…
There’s no shame in not always having something new to talk about when you’ve been together for a while. You basically share a brain at this point. This box of provocative questions can help you get out of the rut, and start talking about the big stuff again. A cross between the beloved Newlywed Game and the popular ice breaker “20 questions,” this tantalizing quiz game is just what the doctor ordered.
Get your favorite photo converted into a 3D laser engraved Brick Crystal for the perfect gift to celebrate memories with family and friends. Include a personalized message and complement your crystal with a lighted LED base to illuminate your one-of-a-kind work of art. With a variety of light bases to choose from, your 3D engraving will truly "pop," and your base's array of xenon-white LEDs will never burn out.
Take a little field trip to the spot where your two souls first collided. Revisiting the place where your journey together started will mark just how far you’ve come. You may not have known it back then, but this little slice of the universe gave birth to what the two of you share today. Go ahead, see if those butterflies start to flutter again…
Life is becoming almost infinitely customizable, so why should jewelry be any different? Think of this as your iJewelry store. Diamond rings don’t exactly come cheap, so why should you have to choose between one ring that has your favorite setting and one that has your favorite diamond? Now you get to tell them which parts to put together, just like at Burger King. The only way you’re going to get more DIY is if you grab a pickax and head out for the mines. And we all know you don’t have time for that.
Ring this one up as a gift for both of you (and you can never have too many opportunities to work those in). Smooth, cool, silky satin sheets blow cotton away by any reasonable standard. After a long day of reminiscing about all the great years you’ve spent together, this is the stuff that you’ll want to come home and writhe around in. The only problem is you’ll want to stay in bed all day. Better cross a couple of weeks off your calendar just to be safe.
A signed, personalized photo frame is a great way to let a long-married couple know they aren’t the only ones who noticed how long they’ve been together. This frame comes with a custom printed photo complete with their names and a short message from you, along with a picture matting that you can cajole, coerce, or bribe all of their friends and family into signing. A thoughtful and symbolic way to make sure they’re forever surrounded by the people who care about them the most.
Is our destiny really written in the stars? It probably felt like the stars aligned on the day you finally found ‘the one’ and this gift will help you to remember that moment forever. Even if you were too busy gazing into each other’s eyes to look up at the night sky, the beautiful image will always remind you of that beautiful day. You supply the date and location, and let math and the laws of physics do the rest.
There is something undeniably touching about having an artist recreate your image by hand using the old-time tools of long-gone artistic masters. After all, any old fool can press a shutter button and spit out a photo of your homely mug. It really means something that another person was willing to stare at that photo for hours while they painstakingly recreated your form by hand, imbuing it with all the personality and living charisma of your aura. Celebrate this anniversary the old fashioned way with this thoughtful gift.
Celebrate your love by getting plastered, but do it the classy way! This lovely keepsake box made from Aspen and Baltic birch wood fits three bottles of your choice of wine in separate compartments. Theoretically, you would drink these on three different occasions, but… well. You know how things go. Just replenish and repeat—this little chest of drawers will support the cause for years to come!
Go ahead and raise the thrill factor in your relationship a few notches. A lightning round of skee ball, a neck-snapping spin on the bumper cars, and a hell-raising run on a roller coaster should do the trick! You’ll both be grinning from ear to ear from the moment you step into the magical land of non-stop diversion. Share a banana split, float to the top of the Ferris wheel and let go of everything but your sweetheart’s hand!
Your anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to stop fighting for a whole day and express your love anew (unless one of you forgets, and then it’s World War III). But as sweet as anniversaries are, they only take up one three-hundred-sixty-fifth of your time together. Imagine if you could extend that for a whole month. Well, now you can. This romantic jar contains 31 love-soaked messages, so the good feelings just keep on coming. Choose from ready-made sets with messages already included, blank cards that you can fill in yourself, or Kindnotes will custom print your personalized set and jar.
There are plenty of ways that couples grow closer, become more alike, and eventually merge into a single organism. Girding your loins with the same fabric is one of them. It’s as natural as adopting each other’s vocabulary, sharing your mannerisms, learning to eat new foods, and eventually starting to look like each other. This is the normal progression of life, and this is the brand that would like to help you take the next step.
Matching t-shirts and twin bracelets are cute, but they don’t send quite the same message of togetherness that a committed couple should be aiming for. Take yourself off the market definitively with some appearance-altering skin ink. The latest in relationship branding, these companion tattoos add a whole new degree of permanence to the relationship. Be brave and go bold, but make hay while the sun shines, lovebirds—body art looks best on young, supple skin!
A wedding/anniversary scrapbook is a great way to remember all of the events, people, unexplainable happenings, unfortunate utterances, and more that may otherwise have slipped through the cracks of the old memory banks. But making a scrapbook to commemorate your wedding and all that has come since then doesn’t have to be all about you. Why not make one that’s all about the people around you — the family, friends, and acquaintances that have reached out over the months or years to let you know how much you mean to them or make you feel special. Or just gave you cool stuff you’d like to remember. A friends and family scrapbook is just the thing to make you both feel all warm and fuzzy on your anniversary.
Now this is a gift that will come in handy fifty years down the road when the mental fog starts to roll in! Make a conscious effort now to solidify those treasured moments that have defined your life together as a pair. Thought provoking and imaginative, this clever card game also doubles as fantasy role play where you and your honey can dream up future scenarios and then try acting them out. The fun is just beginning!
Modern technology is great, but it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I mean seriously, name one famous person you haven’t seen naked by now. The Lovebox Spinning Heart Messenger harks back to a time when people sent love notes by carrier pigeon, and the only way you could “wire” someone money was by burying it somewhere and sending them a map on horseback. In other words, the good old days. Help someone let go of their text message addiction and add a little old fashioned romance back into their lives.
One thing they don’t tell you about married life is that it’s measured on multiple time scales. Once you’re married, it’s no longer enough to remember what time of day it is. You also have to keep track of what time of year it is, lest you overlook the anniversary and end up paying for it for the rest of your life. But there’s another level up from that: the “Holy sh*t, I can’t believe how long we’ve been together” time scale. That’s what makes this clock special: it tracks all three.
This is a beautiful gift to document the journeys that you’ve taken together or the journeys you’re planning as you travel through life side-by-side. Whether you’re established explorers or on the verge of venturing on a grand voyage, you can map out your most magical moments together as well as where you’re going to make your future memories.
We all know that diamonds are a girl's best friend. We also know they're insanely expensive. But a savvy shopper like you understands there are ways around the hefty price tags, like cat burglary or clearance and liquidation sales. When a big retailer like Helzerg Diamonds needs to make room for updated inventory they clear out last year's stock at steep discounts. These clearance sales are a literal gold mine of amazing gifts at "prices so good they're almost a crime", with items marked down thousands of dollars. You get to look like you broke the bank, without actually doing so. And really, who cares if that diamond ring is last year's model. Diamonds are forever right? To make things more tempting, Helzerg offers financing plans as long as 36 months. Click if you dare.
Serenade your partner with this set of musical wine glasses and then get completely sloshed. The glasses need to have liquid in them to work, so, what are you going to do, just throw all that wine away? No, instead you will make beautiful music together until all the "inspiration" is gone.
You’ve managed to waltz your way through love so far, so make sure you’re keeping to the right rhythm as you foxtrot into your future together. Whether you’re practicing a smooth samba or a sexy salsa, dancing lessons are a fantastic way to make sure you’re in perfect sync and you don’t miss a beat.
These personalized wedding posters done up in a classic art style are unique, eye catching, and full of charm. A wedding is a one of a kind event, so why commemorate it the same way everyone else does? Hark to the past and celebrate the present at the same time.
Giving the gift of roses to your love is pretty traditional, but since roses just wilt and die shortly after they’re received, they’re really not a good symbol for ever-lasting and growing commitment. These beautifully preserved roses will never wilt and require no care or water. What better way to express your eternal adoration for the love of your life?
If you’re looking for a truly one of a kind gift, you might consider commissioning a local artist to create a unique piece of jewelry. It will not only be cherished by the lucky recipient, but it’s also a gift to the starving artist, so it will mean a lot to everyone. Remember to plan in advance for this one, custom made artwork is not created overnight.
Every now and then, you may get the urge to ship your mate off to Siberia. It’s a much better idea to redirect those frustrations and draft an itinerary for a joint excursion that the two of you can enjoy … together! Whether it’s a grand adventure to a distant continent or a simpler road trip perusing local haunts and treasured nooks, embarking on a commemorative journey will breathe new life into your relationship and help remind you why you’re together!
This delightful gift isn’t just for the happy couple who has some scandalous dirt to bury. It's a fun activity now, and will be twice as meaningful in a couple decades. They'll fill it with romantic keepsakes and cherished reminders of time spent together, then bury it in the ground. If they can remember where they put it, they can come back when they're old and gray to dig it up. What could be more romantic than that?
There’s always room for a little nostalgia while swilling back a cold one or savoring another glass of wine. Personalized, hand-engraved couples glasses remind you of when you met that special someone who you’re now metaphysically fused with, for better or for worse. Celebrate the passage of time with every sip.
Work your way through the alphabet describing your love and admiration with 26 prompts, one for each letter. If you’re looking for a way to express your feelings in a heartfelt, personalized gift but need a little push in the right direction, this book is a godsend. The prompts may be prewritten, but this book is sure to be filled with your own personality by the time you complete it.
You have made so many memories together and this personalized frame will help you commemorate them all. You can choose which photos to include together, or just the ones you want to include within your own name, which is a great idea unless one of you has a much longer name than the other, in which case we encourage a celeb-style blended moniker. Think, ‘Brangelina’ or, ‘Bennifer’.
A lot of the time we call the small gestures we make “tokens” of our affection. But what nobody ever points out is that those tokens are basically worthless, like stamped coins from an arcade that closed years ago. Unlike those metaphorical “tokens,” these real metal love tokens can be exchanged for things you actually want. And sometimes what your relationship needs is to re-establish some basic standards. Like, if someone gives you a token, you should be able to spend it on something. Problem fixed.
Flowers are a classic gift, but they’ve got one fatal flaw: no matter how beautiful, they tend to wilt too soon. But you’re smarter than that - you like to play the long game. The Flower of the Month Club lets you automatically replenish those flowers at regular intervals so that there’s always a fresh collection in the recipient’s house. Even if you’re not a hippy, you can always employ a little “flower power” to make someone feel loved and appreciated.
A single red rose is a token gesture when you’re trying to win someone’s heart. Now you have that, it’s time to upgrade your flower game and we think this does the job. This crystal rose is not only beautiful, unlike a living rose it will be just as beautiful next year, and the year after that, so you never have to buy flowers again.
If you’re considering going with gift as common as flowers, you might consider stepping it up a few dozen notches by dipping them in 24k gold. Just gather up all your extra gold, melt it in your crucible, and toss in your plants. Or just buy this Eternity Rose instead. Actually, it’s probably electro-plated not really dipped in molten metal, but you get the point.
We like to say that every new experience is another chapter in our own book of life. Some of those you may want to rip out and burn, but others you’ll be sorry if you don’t properly record. We’re sincerely hoping all of your anniversaries fall in the second category. And since we’re confident they will, we’d like to point you in the direction of this gorgeous journal that will some day be a cherished heirloom. Go ahead, fill it up with love.
When date night comes around and both of you have empty pockets, an argument is bound to start about where all the money is going. With this beautiful date night savings bank, you’ll always have a pile of cash on hand, so you don’t have to scour the credit card statements and make accusations. Isn’t household harmony worth a few dollars here and there?
Give the gift of beautiful views, bucket-list achievements, and especially if they’re afraid of heights, hours of entertainment for you. It veers away from cruel since it’s completely safe, but you’ll definitely get your money’s worth watching them rotate between admiring the splendor and clutching the basket while praying in four languages. Especially since they only speak one.
Playfulness is an essential ingredient to any successful union. Don’t starve your marriage of the joy and laughter that can sustain it for many years to come! Carve out some time for a little card game action with your favorite partner in crime and feel the buzz that you get from a little homegrown rivalry. Challenge your spouse to a game that lasts all week long, as you earn points and reap rewards by performing tasks. We bet neither of you thought that you’d be battling to do the dishes.
Extend the celebration of your love for weeks, months even, with these personalized devotion vouchers. Your soul mate will revel in the chance to squeeze as much attention out of you as they possibly can—they might even try to double or triple their bounty if the rules allow for it—and you can earn extended reward points for being such a generous partner. Send your sweetheart on a shopping spree through the romance department where expiration dates never apply!
If your whirlwind romance feels like a blur, maybe it’s time to start sorting through the gigabytes of digital memories so you can design a hard-copy keepsake. Not only will it breathe new life into treasured snippets of time long past, but it will become a priceless memento decades from now, when you may have trouble remembering who the heck this grumpy companion lying next to you is.
There’s not many gifts that scream, ‘I love you’ more than chocolate covered strawberries. They’re an old classic, one of the ultimate recipes for romance and they make a particularly perfect present for anyone with a sweet tooth (who deserves to be spoiled but who also wants to stay healthy on the inside, just like these delicious little delicacies themselves).
Celebrating with a gourmet dinner is always a solid plan, but things can get rather awkward in a crowded restaurant when the happy couple starts playing footsie and getting handsy. No need to “get a room!” if the chef comes to you, however.
Going to bed angry is not an option with these adorable cushions cradling you and your sweetheart’s heads. Even the most adrenaline-filled pillow fight won’t be able to squash the honey goodness that flows between you two lovebirds. Make a spirited, endearing statement in the bedroom and promote nothing but the sweetest gumdrop lollypop dreams every night for the remainder of your precious union.
The good life is all about quality over quantity. Or maybe it’s about quality and quantity. We’re not here to argue. If they still want to swill down cheap rotgut wine by the box, nobody’s going to stop them. It’s their life, not yours. But here’s a great way to broaden their horizons once a month by introducing them to the stuff that’s popular with the people who don’t mix their chardonnay with diet sprite.
Once you’ve been together a while, you’ll probably want to inject a little creativity into your date nights. This is a great way to do that, using the prompts provided, albeit with parameters that you set yourself by filling out your own specific date night activities, instead of leaving it up to someone you’ve never met and whose mental state you can’t realistically vet. You’re in this for the long haul - don’t let date night become another boring ritual.
If you’ve ever wanted to put your mutual knowledge and understanding to the test, here’s your chance. The Quiz Book for Couples is not just a way to learn some new things about your partner (and teach them a few things about yourself), it’s a chance to prove once and for all that you pay more attention than than they do. And that your emotional intelligence is higher. That you’re more intuitive. That you’re pretty much the one carrying this relationship. Yeah, there’s some competitiveness here.
Your love is a cause for celebration and what better way to get into the celebratory party spirit than with their very own personalized whiskey barrel? Some things really do get better with age and while relationships can sometimes be one of them, whiskey is always. If they don’t appreciate it now, they will in five years when they’ll be pouring themselves some seriously luxurious liquor.
Cooking for date night is a whole different ballgame. You can’t just bust out your regular frozen pizza, microwaved tofu burgers, or spaghetti and hot dogs. That’s a one-way ticket to Singlesville. But to do it right, it’s critical to have the right guidance. The delicious recipes in the Date Night Cookbook will make you a kitchen master, and the high-quality photography will ensure you know what it should look like when you’re done. This is the cookbook for people who don’t just want to avoid culinary disaster, but really knock date night dinners out of the park.
You know that your romantic history is of epic significance. If only you had the hardware to prove it. Now you can immortalize your love story in the form of a big, fat, campy adventure romance novel. The world always has a gross shortage of heroes, and if somebody has to fill the void, it might as well be you. Here is your chance to fill it with style and sexiness. Enter yourself in the great pantheon of timeless erotic literature, where you’ve always known you belong.
The ultimate in luxury sleepwear, a pair of silk pajamas is like riding first class into snoozeville. And because silk is a magic fiber, it keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Besides, silkworms are the sexiest members of the insect kingdom, and when you wear the fibers they generate, some of that sexiness rubs off on you. That makes silk pajamas a perfect anniversary gift.
When was the last time you slow danced in the aisles with your loved one? Maybe a high-octane jam session with your favorite cover band will get the old pitter-patter going again. Whatever the affair, this glorious occasion calls for some extended handholding even if it all goes down in the best nosebleed seats in the house. Don your finest threads for a show-stopping evening of unforgettable merrymaking. Love is about to take center stage!
Who wouldn’t want to relive their wedding day? Without all of the stress and the high 5-figure bill, of course. And what better way to get transported back to that magical day than to recreate the iconic centerpiece of the ceremony, the giant artistic sugar bomb crafted to feed an army. Your wedding cake is no doubt immortalized in dozens of high quality professional photos, but pictures never taste quite like the real thing. Recreate an edible version this year. Isn’t nostalgia sweet?
Roses are red, usually. But not chocolate roses. Pleasing to the eye and your beloved’s sweet tooth, this delectable gift may be challenging to perfect, but they’ll earn you some brownie points that will take your relationship standings off the charts. If you can pull off these confectionery delicacies, you’ll be walking the Julia Childs hall of fame for decades to come.
With any normal chocolate bar, even the generously-sized original Toblerone, one’s enjoyment is always tarnished by the sad thought that the experience will soon be over. Candy bars simply don’t last long enough. In contrast, candy lovers look upon this giant Toblerone bar the same way that a mountaineer gazes up at a lofty peak. In their mind, they understand that one day the expedition will be over, and the mammoth before them will have been conquered. Yet in the moment they can’t quite believe it.
There’s no “beating” around the bush with this one-of-a-kind charm. Sincere and straight to the point, this revealing design couldn’t be any more forthright about your unequivocal commitment to your one and only. Why waste time and money on cryptic gifts that obscure how you really feel. This level of transparency brings everything to the surface so there will be absolutely no question where your beloved’s heart lies.
Take a trip to the beach and leave a trail of your love in the sand for everyone to read with these custom flip flops. Your names and wedding date will be temporarily stamped into the ground for complete strangers to puzzle over!
Renaissance thinkers saw humans as a microcosm, a miniature version of the universe. These handcrafted wood and resin rings represent an idealized sanctuary, a miniature model of a beautiful and peaceful place to escape from the not so awesome realities of everyday life. Peace of mind they can carry wherever they go.
Couples that have been together a while have a tendency to let themselves go a bit. Why fight it? Behold the undisputed King of the Gummy Bears. Give your sweetheart this 5 pound calorific treat and watch as they slowly devour him, one body part at a time, in a kind of perverse, reverse Build-A-Bear scenario.
Commemorate your wedding sci-fi style with this amazing 3D laser sculpted portrait. Just pick your favorite wedding photo and have these wizards turn it into a crystal encased hologram-style portrait. It’ll be just the thing to put on the bookshelf of your spaceship someday.
My, how the times have changed. Just look at the two of you. So much wiser, so much more worldly. You’ve really grown into those faces. And you know what? Other people have noticed too. A side-by-side Then & Now anniversary frame gives you the perfect chance to show off how well you’ve aged and what a great choice you both made throwing your lot in together. As if you needed any reminding.
Your relationship is truly unique and there’ll be no other couple in the world that share the same love that you do. We think that commissioning a piece of art to capture that sentiment is one of the most romantic gifts money can buy. Of course, it all depends on what you choose to put on it…
Natural materials exude a timeless class that never goes out of style. In fact, it’s almost impossible to look bad when you’re wearing a wooden watch (that’s not an invitation to try). These beautiful accessories go with just about every wardrobe style - all the way from yuppie to hippie, and everything in between. Even a clown suit. And really, that’s the true measure of style: does it look good on a clown suit?
It’s said that when one lover thinks about the other, the distant partner’s heart glows with a bright, penetrating light like the first emanating rays of a newborn star. But because your heart is buried deep within the dark, wet recesses of your torso, you just have to take their word for it. Wouldn’t it be so much better to see it with your own eyes? These long distance light-up bracelets are a big improvement over that strange piece of ancient folklore.
No matter how much you love each other, you know that sometimes you need a little outside help to keep things running smoothly. The Activity Book for Couples is basically a book of prompts designed to get you and your partner to talk about things you’ve probably never even considered, and have a good laugh while doing it. If your idea of “together time” has turned into watching three hours of Netflix on the same couch, this might be just the thing for you.
Most of the time, we don’t exactly chronicle our relationships. We let the day-to-day fluctuations in our feelings, beliefs, and attitudes recede into the hazy distance of memory. Sometimes this works just fine, because if you need ammo for an argument you can just make things up, and sometimes the other person believes you, and then you win. Sort of. But not really. This journal provides daily questions for both partners to fill out over the course of three years, ranging from simple and straightforward to deeply introspective. A great way to look back and see how your thoughts and feelings have actually changed.
If you’ve got one tiny little romantic bone in your body, there has to be a place in your heart for the old fashioned love letter, even if it’s the kind that makes you circle yes or no. Because really, it’s the thought that counts, and anyone who takes the time to put their feelings down on paper has to be a keeper. But paper gets lost, is easily damaged, and isn’t very convenient to carry around with you. A gold or silver love letter necklace takes that old tradition and makes it last.
A business suit is meant to signal power, competence, and trustworthiness. But now, thanks to these love letter cufflinks, it can be made to carry around little secret messages of devotion and appreciation too. Just pop open the miniature envelope, and out comes a tiny bronze letter engraved with a personalized message reminding them what really matters. Just the moral support they’ll need while watching their boss foam at the mouth about missing TPS reports for the seventh month in a row.
As time passes, people are bound to change. This fillable glass memory locket was made with that personal evolution in mind. The double-sided glass design gives them more options for filling it with photos, small objects, keepsakes, or anything else they might want to carry with them. And swapping out one image, object, or arrangement for another is as easy as snapping the locket open and then closed again. A beautiful, versatile peace of jewelry that can change and grow with its owner.
This Zimbabwean kissing lovers sculpture is like a yin-yang for people who really like to get it on. Two lovers’ faces encapsulated in stone for eternity, gazing into each other’s soul, for one brief moment not thinking about whose fault it is that the garbage never got taken out. Yes, the gods have smiled kindly upon these lovers, freezing them in a moment of carefree bliss from which they never have to descend back into the mundane world inhabited by us poor mortals.
Some might consider it the ultimate display of human privilege to begin claiming faraway stars just because we have a few extra dollars in our pockets. But once you realize that the universe is far bigger than you think it is, you’ll cool off a little. There’s more than enough to go around for everybody. Several billion times over. So go ahead and give someone a little piece of the cosmic pie. Nothing to get all riled up about.
How to Pick the Perfect Anniversary Gift
Buying great anniversary gifts is never easy, whether it’s for a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband…or even if you’re buying an anniversary gift for your parents.
But there’s a much better way to go about it than trolling for the best anniversary gifts on amazon. And you’ve found it right here. We were feeling the love too, so we went ahead and put together a little guide with the best anniversary gifts for couples that we could rustle up, then split them up by category to make them even easier to choose from.
When you think of personalized anniversary gifts, you normally think of stuff. Well, sometimes experiences are even better, especially when you’re searching for anniversary gifts for couples who have everything.
Anniversary Games
Who doesn’t like a little play time now and then? These games make perfect marriage anniversary gifts for couples who could use a little injection of fun into their lives.
Artsy Anniversary Gifts
Some of the best anniversary gifts are the ones that commemorate your relationship in some special way. Here is a list of some unique anniversary gifts for softies and art lovers, many of which make perfect 1st anniversary gifts.
Anniversary Treats
Some of the best wedding anniversary gifts don’t actually last all that long, because they taste too good. Here is a list of food and drink related anniversary gifts for couples that really like to chow down or hit the bottle.