Gift ideas tend to get a little boring when you're shopping for a no-nonsense sort of brother-in-law who just likes stuff he can use. Sure, you could probably just wrap up a roll of duct tape and call it a day, but where's the fun in that? Here are a few gifts that are more unique but still very useful.
If you’re going to do something, do it the right way. That goes for buying a knife too. The last thing you want is to be in a life and death situation and have to say, “If only I had a fine-toothed miniature saw and I knew what time it was.” This pocket knife has you covered on both fronts. The only way we could imagine this knife being more loaded is if they added a miniature cannon or gave it time travel capabilities. The perfect gift for the survivalist who likes that extra layer of security against that “what-ifs”.
Since the dawn of time, chaos, terror, and death have periodically rained down from the sky. Only the lucky were spared. But now we have weather radios, so you can go inside instead of dying. This one also conveniently charges your phone so the next hurricane doesn’t have to interrupt your game of angry birds.
The perfect gift for the person who’s always getting lost in the dark, tripping down the stairs on their way back from the bathroom, or struggling to summon The Batman, the light from this flashlight is visible from five nautical miles away. They’ll never need to fear the Joker again!
It’s no longer reasonable to allow your writing utensils to do single duty. These days, a pen that does nothing but write is a child’s toy. Actually, it’s even worse than that, because kids know better than to write by hand, what with all the voice recognition apps they have within arms reach at all times. That means pens are functionally useless. Let that sink in a minute. But not this pen, because it’s also several other things that can help the user accomplish something important. This is no gimmick. It’s a revolutionary tool, and the world will never be the same.
There’s no substitute for hard work and a craftsman-like approach to getting things done. So when you sit down at your desk, it’s great to a have a little reminder that it’s time to roll up your sleeves and have at it. This message comes through loud and clear with a desktop toolbox. It’s also a great way for the hopelessly messy to clean up that atomic catastrophe of a workspace. No organization involved. Just gather all the junk into your arms and toss it into the generous confines of this stylish vessel where no one can see it. Sometimes appearance is everything.
Make sure that they’re never caught short (of battery, at least) with this pocket-sized power pack that is perfect for their portable devices. This charger harnesses the power of the biggest battery in our solar system so they should never have an excuse for not returning your call.
You may think a battery is a battery, but oh Lordy! would you be wrong. Most batteries suffer from a host of fatal flaws: they’re single use, too often unreliable, and frequently inhabited by evil spirits, just to name a few. Eneloop, on the other hand, has fully cracked the battery code. These are the Cadillacs of the rechargeable battery world. The standard Eneloop is a badass little powerpack in its own right, but the Eneloop Pro is where the real party is at, offering a high capacity battery that can be recharged up to 2,100 times. Now that’s a sweet little hot dog.
When caught in life’s most dire situations, sometimes you must rely on the kindness of strangers as a last resort. But sometimes strangers turn out to be murderers, or worse. That’s what technology is for. This portable charger can be a literal life saver when stuck on the road with a dead battery. And what’s more, it doubles as a charger of electronic devices as well, eliminating boredom and the need for possibly nefarious “good samaritans” in one fell swoop.