Gadgets & Tech

Showing 73–79 of 79 results

We all yearn for a greater connection to the cosmos. But it can sure feel lonely down here when you don’t even know the names of any of the celestial bodies you’re squinting up at. This handheld planetarium is adjustable based on the date, time, and latitude of the user, giving them a clear and accurate map of thousands of stars and dozens of constellations. Perfect for planning their first interstellar vacation once Tesla makes personal spaceships affordable for everyone.

The great conundrum of losing your glasses has always been that you’ve lost the one thing that you need to find the thing you’ve lost. That is, until technology stepped in. Now, through the magic of bluetooth, there’s one more layer of foolproof assistance to undo the errors of human carelessness. That is, until they lose their phone too. At that point, the only answer is super-gluing their belongings to their body. Even idiot-proofing has its limits.

Insomniacs often say they’ve tried everything in order to get to sleep. But in reality, how many insomniacs have ever tried hypnotizing themselves with a pulsating blue light? Well, here’s your chance to call bullsh*t on them. Making use of an age-old meditative technique, the insomniac sleep inducer helps people enter the land of a thousand winks by synchronizing and slowly lowering the frequency of their breathing. After that, it’s nothing but hours of the old snoozy-woozy.

If they're the type that's always scribbling notes, then they're the type that has a pile of them forgotten on their desk. Help get things organized with this bluetooth pen that saves a digital copy of everything they write.

Chronic pain? Laser that sumbitch! Chronically inflamed tissues are a major cause of discomfort, can impede healing, and often limit function and interfere with everyday activities, not to mention athletic pursuits and other physically demanding hobbies. An LED-powered laser therapy device may just be the magic wand an injured human needs to get back in the game. Set them on the road to success with this medical grade handheld stick of light and wonder.

Hats have long been used as a means to hide a balding scalp, both from the painful effects of solar radiation and the equally loathsome fate of public judgment. But no longer are they merely for concealment. Thanks to the ingenuity of medical engineers, they are now also a means of treatment. What the hydroponic growth box is to the tomato, this cap is to the poor cranium suffering from thinning coverage. A dual-purpose fashion accessory if there ever was one.

The flight game is no place for guessing. The last thing they need is to show up at the airport with two extra t-shirts in their suitcase and end up paying those greedy airlines a small fortune in overweight baggage fees. A reliable handheld scale is the way to beat these scammers at their own dirty game. Just hook a bag up to the handle, hoist it a few inches skyward, and verify that they have the upper hand in this exchange.