As your parents get older, they start forgetting things. Good memories start getting pushed out in favor of petty grievances like who forgot to take out the garbage. Enforcing positive memories through some physical, ritualized system like this can sometimes be the only way to keep them from each other’s throats. This kit comes with everything they need to record all the happy things that occur from day to day and collect them in a safe place to be relived again in the future. And it’s so much cheaper than therapy.
Take a little field trip to the spot where your two souls first collided. Revisiting the place where your journey together started will mark just how far you’ve come. You may not have known it back then, but this little slice of the universe gave birth to what the two of you share today. Go ahead, see if those butterflies start to flutter again…
Ring this one up as a gift for both of you (and you can never have too many opportunities to work those in). Smooth, cool, silky satin sheets blow cotton away by any reasonable standard. After a long day of reminiscing about all the great years you’ve spent together, this is the stuff that you’ll want to come home and writhe around in. The only problem is you’ll want to stay in bed all day. Better cross a couple of weeks off your calendar just to be safe.
If you’re considering going with gift as common as flowers, you might consider stepping it up a few dozen notches by dipping them in 24k gold. Just gather up all your extra gold, melt it in your crucible, and toss in your plants. Or just buy this Eternity Rose instead. Actually, it’s probably electro-plated not really dipped in molten metal, but you get the point.
Celebrate your love by getting plastered, but do it the classy way! This lovely keepsake box made from Aspen and Baltic birch wood fits three bottles of your choice of wine in separate compartments. Theoretically, you would drink these on three different occasions, but… well. You know how things go. Just replenish and repeat—this little chest of drawers will support the cause for years to come!
Your anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to stop fighting for a whole day and express your love anew (unless one of you forgets, and then it’s World War III). But as sweet as anniversaries are, they only take up one three-hundred-sixty-fifth of your time together. Imagine if you could extend that for a whole month. Well, now you can. This romantic jar contains 31 love-soaked messages, so the good feelings just keep on coming. Choose from ready-made sets with messages already included, blank cards that you can fill in yourself, or Kindnotes will custom print your personalized set and jar.
This delightful gift isn’t just for the happy couple who has some scandalous dirt to bury. It's a fun activity now, and will be twice as meaningful in a couple decades. They'll fill it with romantic keepsakes and cherished reminders of time spent together, then bury it in the ground. If they can remember where they put it, they can come back when they're old and gray to dig it up. What could be more romantic than that?
The playful necklace features a sterling silver mama bear with up to four bronze cubs in tow, capturing the strong bond and tender love a mother has for her little ones. It's a sparkling reminder that children—no matter what age—need their mother to help lead the way. 18-inch sterling silver chain. Handmade in Seattle, Washington.
Who needs photorealism when you can have the charming warmth of skillful human error? There is something undeniably touching about having an artist recreate your image by hand using the old-time tools of long-gone artistic masters. After all, any old fool can press a shutter button and spit out a photo of your homely mug. It really means something that another person was willing to stare at that photo for hours while they painstakingly recreated your form by hand, imbuing it with all the personality and living charisma of your aura. Help someone you love celebrate a cherished moment the old fashioned way.
Nothing gets the ol’ blood pumping like a good old fashioned murder mystery. The only problem is that once you’ve been through a few of them, you start running out of friends. CosyKiller is the perfect answer to this problem. Once a month, the subscriber gets a box full of various clues surrounding a fictitious murder, and over the course of the year they try to solve the puzzle of who committed the crime. It’s like getting to be a high-profile murder detective for a year, but with no real-world consequences if they blow it.
Nothing beats the comfort of lounging around the house, enveloped in something much larger than yourself, unless that something is a giant snake, the crushing anxiety of an ever-uncertain future, or a sense of guilt for that awful thing you said at last year’s family picnic. A giant knit blanket helps to smother any of these undesirable feelings, leaving one with a sense of warmth and security.
As time passes, people are bound to change. This fillable glass memory locket was made with that personal evolution in mind. The double-sided glass design gives them more options for filling it with photos, small objects, keepsakes, or anything else they might want to carry with them. And swapping out one image, object, or arrangement for another is as easy as snapping the locket open and then closed again. A beautiful, versatile peace of jewelry that can change and grow with its owner.
For all of the earth’s majestic wonders, nowhere will you find a geyser that spits melted chocolate. That’s why fountains were invented. This one may not have the impressive horsepower of Old Faithful, but what comes out of it tastes a whole lot better than sulfurous water. A chocolate fountain, in fact, can even transform the dull bounty of the earth (vegetables, we’re looking at you) into something that people will get excited about eating.
We all like to think we’re larger than life, but in truth we’re really just branches on the grand tree of our ancestry. Screw that, most of us are just leaves at best. Some of us are maybe just a little speck of caterpillar vomit on one of those leaves (you know who you are). Your family tree doesn’t have to be that detailed though.
Back in the grand old days of nobility, every clan with any standing in society had a family shield they displayed proudly for all the world to see. These days, that might seem a little extra. But a family plaque is totally acceptable. In fact, it can even add some class and charm to an otherwise drab interior or exterior wall. Not that you’ve got any drabness in your life, wall-related or otherwise. We’re just saying, this is a really good looking plaque.
Get them started on that Bucket List while there’s time and health to finish it, with a tangible, physical bucket. They can pick an adventure whenever life permits. It's a gift that gives them the opportunity to make memories, rather than giving them a reason to make more closet space.
The results are in, and it’s pretty unanimous: a good memory foam mattress means way better sleep. And rested humans are way nicer to each other, laugh more, and start fewer wars. And in case no one has told you, wars are bad for marriage. So when you consider all of the implications of buying a memory foam mattress, you start to see that it’s one of the greatest peacekeeping investments you can make.
Flowers don’t just look nice and fill the air with pleasant aromas, they also carry various levels of symbolism. Much like the zodiac, each month has its own flower variety, reflecting the character of everyone born therein. Or at least, that’s what someone decided a long time ago. And it sure is a nice idea. Regardless of whether the person you’re buying for really is a carnation at heart, or whether they’re more of a Venus fly trap, these earrings are going to look great on them.
Bronze casting, like marriage, is an ancient tradition. Now you can combine the two with one of these lovely sculptures depicting couples in love. With proper care, a marriage should last forever. A bronze sculpture should as well, with even less care.
A book is more than just a collection of words and ideas. It’s a frozen piece of time — the intersection of one person’s (or sometimes multiple peoples’) thoughts and experiences with the moment in which they were recorded. So sometimes a 50th reprint of To Kill a Mockingbird just doesn’t seem to carry the same weight that it should. Serious book lovers love first editions, because they’re a tangible piece of cultural history.
In classier quarters this might be called a “decanter.” But the built-in stupidity of a decanter is that it’s really just a big glass you’re not allowed to drink out of. You see, in the genteel world of wine, “classy” consists of adding unnecessary steps to what should be a simple process. Of course, bourgeois society has attached all kinds of stigma to drinking straight from the bottle, so some kind of compromise is necessary. And that compromise is right here.
Having to get out of bed to retrieve your favorite stuff is the deepest kind of bummer. And since not everyone has the money to afford a full-time servant, many people are forced to suffer the indignity of placing their bare feet upon the cold, hard floor. This bedside shelf is an ingenious answer to that problem, especially for top bunk dwellers and anyone else for whom a bedside table is not an option. An attractive, eco-friendly, and minimalist way to make sure they have all of their doo-dads, gadgets, and consumables within arm’s reach the moment they wake up.
This Zimbabwean kissing lovers sculpture is like a yin-yang for people who really like to get it on. Two lovers’ faces encapsulated in stone for eternity, gazing into each other’s soul, for one brief moment not thinking about whose fault it is that the garbage never got taken out. Yes, the gods have smiled kindly upon these lovers, freezing them in a moment of carefree bliss from which they never have to descend back into the mundane world inhabited by us poor mortals.
Sleep Pod is a first-of-its-kind sleep solution designed around the science of Deep Touch Pressure Therapy that can help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer. Sleep Pod applies a gentle, calming pressure to your entire body, much like a hug. This helps to reduce anxiety and gets you ready for sleep.
Life is becoming almost infinitely customizable, so why should jewelry be any different? Think of this as your iJewelry store. Diamond rings don’t exactly come cheap, so why should you have to choose between one ring that has your favorite setting and one that has your favorite diamond? Now you get to tell them which parts to put together, just like at Burger King. The only way you’re going to get more DIY is if you grab a pickax and head out for the mines. And we all know you don’t have time for that.
This is what you do when you realize your taste in home decor is crap. Or maybe the person you’re buying for is too weird to appreciate it. Whatever the case, sometimes it’s not such a good idea to decorate someone else’s house for them. If you’re feeling a little gun shy, let them pull the trigger themselves.
We all know that diamonds are a girl's best friend. We also know they're insanely expensive. But a savvy shopper like you understands there are ways around the hefty price tags, like cat burglary or clearance and liquidation sales. When a big retailer like Helzerg Diamonds needs to make room for updated inventory they clear out last year's stock at steep discounts. These clearance sales are a literal gold mine of amazing gifts at "prices so good they're almost a crime", with items marked down thousands of dollars. You get to look like you broke the bank, without actually doing so. And really, who cares if that diamond ring is last year's model. Diamonds are forever right? To make things more tempting, Helzerg offers financing plans as long as 36 months. Click if you dare.
There’s no better way to wash off the stress and anxiety of a long day than with a bath bomb. Turns out they’re great for healing too. Like aromatherapy and hydrotherapy all rolled into one, bath bombs help soothe and relax aching joints and muscles while infusing the air with the calming, rejuvenating fragrance of essential oils. It's a little gift that will help her unwind in a big way.
Flowers are a classic gift, but they’ve got one fatal flaw: no matter how beautiful, they tend to wilt too soon. But you’re smarter than that - you like to play the long game. The Flower of the Month Club lets you automatically replenish those flowers at regular intervals so that there’s always a fresh collection in the recipient’s house. Even if you’re not a hippy, you can always employ a little “flower power” to make someone feel loved and appreciated.
Here’s some art that really grows on you. A hanging garden that can be placed on any wall in the house, it can add a bit of unexpected life to an interior space. The frame comes decked out with easy-to-care-for succulents, so you don’t have to worry about giving this to someone with a brown thumb.
Sure, it will be strange when you have to get that cheek swab from them without them knowing what you’re up to, but it will all make sense when you reveal this custom portrait that showcases their unique DNA. Or you could just give them the DNA collection kit as the gift if that’s easier. Or just swab your dog. They’ll never know the difference.
Spilled alcohol and broken glass simply don’t fit with the luxury life. Let the lowbrows balance their stemware on the wet, glossy surface of the tub like the hapless fools they are. Your friends and loved ones deserve better. Bring some peace of mind to their relaxation hour.
People who get into studying their family’s genealogy can get really into it. The simple family tree keeps expanding, with every branch having a story to tell, and it can take decades of research to learn about it all. Why not give them the gift of a start on that journey while they are young enough to complete it someday?
There’s nothing more comforting to a pet owner than feeling the wet, slimy nose of their favorite companion pressed against their bare skin. Over and over again. While they’re watching TV, doing yoga, cooking, trying to take out the garbage, talking on the phone, or waking up in the morning. Pretty much anytime they’re not covered in clothing from the neck down. Since they can’t take their animal’s nose with them everywhere they go, here’s the next best thing.
In our computer-crazy culture, one of the most overworked parts of many people’s bodies is their eyes. It’s enough of a problem that some people would probably consider hiring a full-time eye massager if they could afford it, and if those people actually existed. But once again, here comes technology to save us from the damage created by other technology. This may look like a virtual reality headset, but there’s nothing virtual about it. Real heat, real massage, and real soothing music make it an invaluable tool for recovering from a hard day of sitting there and staring at the abyssal depths of the internet.
Everyone used to have that one weird friend who would set up a portable swimming pool in the middle of the living room just so they could take a bath and watch TV at the same time. Now technology allows them to bring the TV to the bathtub, not the other way around, in the form of a small tablet. But electronics and water still don’t really mix that well, so you need something like this. Provides space for food, beverages, soap, aromatherapy candles, entertainment, and whatever else they might want within arm’s reach while soaking away their worries.
From the tree of holy union springs forth the fruit of humanity. That’s not from the Bible, but you could probably get away with saying it is. Not that this piece of family art needs any explanation. This elegant representation of the famous family tree metaphor allows the owner to display the fruit of their loins, and the fruit of their ancestors’ loins, proudly for all to see. Genealogy is a beautiful thing, especially when presented like this.
The good life is all about quality over quantity. Or maybe it’s about quality and quantity. We’re not here to argue. If they still want to swill down cheap rotgut wine by the box, nobody’s going to stop them. It’s their life, not yours. But here’s a great way to broaden their horizons once a month by introducing them to the stuff that’s popular with the people who don’t mix their chardonnay with diet sprite.
It’s easy to see why old romantic gestures are getting less and less common now in the digital age of social media, it’s quicker to text than it is to phone and more convenient to email than to write. We think that makes a love letter all the more special. We bet there’s not an emoji to capture how delighted they’ll be to receive such a loving and thoughtful gift.