Showing 217–288 of 1862 results

There’s nothing worse than being in the dark while your pets run amok at home. This pet nanny cam, with its 340 degree rotating camera, gives a dog owner the power to monitor their every move, so they never have to wonder what their pets have been up to. And the inclusion of a two-way speaker/microphone lets them hear Chucko’s smart-ass answer when they tell him to get off the couch.

Just like people, as dogs get a little longer in the tooth, climbing and jumping onto things gets less fun and a lot less advisable. Unfortunately, as good as dogs are at doing dog-related things - like fetching and greeting - they tend to struggle with “don’t jump into the car anymore”, and other ideas that make sense to us. A portable dog ramp will save Fido from himself and help him get a lot more miles out of those old bones.

Give dog lovers a choice of any superpower, and you might be shocked at how many would choose something like this: a hand that shoots streams of water so they can wash their dog whenever they want. It doesn’t matter if it makes any sense to you. The handy design (pun alert) allows the wearer to control water flow by opening or closing their palm, and the plastic nubs offer a pleasant massage for their pet. Just hook it up to a shower head or garden hose and it’s ready to go.

We all live on the go these days. That includes dogs. So if a dog lover doesn’t want Sparky drinking out of that filthy, gasoline-swirled puddle, they better have a good alternative on hand. And while dog owners have been known to be quite up-close and personal with their pets, most people draw the line at sticking their own water bottle in Sparky’s mouth. This is one of those simple, obvious gifts that will come to seem so indispensable that they won’t believe they ever got on without it.

The Buddha’s one flaw is that he wasn’t a dog. If he was, then you would know for sure that you could trust him. Same with those monkeys advising you to see, hear, and speak no evil. Monkeys have been jerking us around for centuries, so you never know what to make of what they tell you. If they were dogs, you would just listen. No need to ask questions. The owner of these lawn statues displays a profound and all-encompassing wisdom.

When you’re really in love with your dog, gazing into its perfect mutt face just isn’t enough, because sometimes you’re away from home or your dog is busy tearing apart your shoes in another room. Custom-made items like jewelry and pillows that bear your best friend’s image are the next best thing. A great way for a dog lover to remember someone they can’t be with, even if just for five minutes.

Monthly, curated boxes of goods delivered directly to your door are all the rage for humans. Whether it’s kitchen ingredients, clothes, or personal care products, having experts put together a killer package of the best in any product category is a proven business model in the new economy. The problem is, dogs have been feeling left out, and nobody even realized it. Except dog people (did we mention they’re a little different?). Every Bark Box includes toys, snacks, and chewables that will have dogs and their owners rolling with joy for weeks at a time.

As a dog owner, you become more acquainted with another species’ bodily fluids than you ever wanted to. If a dog owner is really brave, get them this UV urine flashlight and let them find out exactly what they’re dealing with. Like the prospectors of old who flocked to the western mountains, the intrepid seeker of (liquid) gold knows the next bounty could always be right around the corner. Give them the tools to get the job done right.

The human-to-human reticence of the dog lover can be misinterpreted as anti-social behavior. But it’s usually nothing personal. The truth is, many days they only care to communicate through face licking and belly rubbing. In order to avoid any confusion or negative social consequences, allow them to communicate the critical message in plain English. The world isn’t such a hostile place when you wear your intentions on your sleeve – or even better, on your chest.

One of the first steps to managing a hectic schedule is organizing your thoughts and ideas. And while there are plenty of apps for that, some people still prefer to use the good old pen-and-paper method. The Rocketbook Smart Notebook solves this problem by fusing old-fashioned scribblin’ with cloud technology. They simply use the included Pilot Frixion pen to jot down ideas as they come up, and they’re automatically backed up to the cloud for storage and future retrieval. And when the notebook fills up, just wipe down the pages with a moist towel to erase, and it can be used over and over again.

But as everyone knows, staying productive requires more than just organizing your inner world. If the person you’re buying for is so busy that they don’t have time to manage their physical environment, clutter can become a real problem, and fast. Professional organizers make a living helping people clear the clutter and structure their physical space in a way that supports their mental and emotional well-being instead of sabotaging it. Professional organizing has become quite an in-demand industry, so chances are real good that you’ll find one nearby, as long as your recipient doesn’t live on top of a mountain.

We all carry some level of stress around with us in the form of muscle tension. Over time this can really start to cause some problems, like muscle imbalances, joint pain, numbness or lack of sensation in the extremities, and more. Massage is one of the best ways to rid yourself of pesky muscle tension, but busy people rarely feel like they have a few hours to dedicate to this kind of self-care. A handheld electric massager may not be a true replacement for a full body massage, but it’s the next best thing. The Renpho deep tissue massager delivers some serious juice to break up the gnarliest muscle knots, adhesions, and trigger points in just a few minutes.

Most of us spend way too much time in front of a computer screen, and for busy people this is even more of a problem. Eye strain can lead to headaches, blurred vision, and eventually homicide. Which makes these Finnish eye stones a real life saver.

Being ultra busy means accepting certain trade-offs in life. But one area where you don’t want to make too many concessions is in the quality of the food you eat. Fast food doesn’t just get in your mouth faster, it also gets you into the grave faster. But shopping for and preparing fresh ingredients day after day is a challenge for anyone, let alone the chronically overworked. Meal subscription services like Blue Apron take care of everything but the preparation, and help introduce subscribers to new recipes and cooking concepts. For people who have food allergies, are picky eaters, or simply like having more control over the ingredients they use, most grocery delivery services like Instacart offer gift cards too, and they’re a godsend when you’re on a tight schedule.

For most busy people, the smartphone is the indispensable portal to the world of All the Important Things. And like most electronics, smartphones are fundamentally infected with Murphy’s Law, which means that batteries only run down at the worst possible time. A portable power bank is insurance of the very best kind, warding off the sort of calamity that’s always nipping at their heels.

When you put all of your energy into your daily responsibilities, exercise is usually one of the first things to suffer. A FitBit makes it easy to monitor your activity throughout the course of the day, and it makes your fitness and health objectives feel like a game as you try to get in more steps and hit your calorie and heart rate goals. It also gives you immediate feedback on the quality of your sleep, valuable information for anyone who wonders why they feel so damn tired every day.

Learning is a vital component to staying ahead in whatever field you happen to be in, and it’s another example of the kind of thing that gets lost in the shuffle when you’re too busy. Thankfully, the internet offers a way to learn just about anything you might decide you want to take up (for better or for worse). There are plenty of popular online learning platforms, but Skillshare is the easiest one to give as a gift. Skillshare is a subscription service, so once they activate their membership, they’ll have access to all of the classes on the site. Their rates are affordable, and they offer 3, 6, and 12 month gift subscription options. The courses on Skillshare are fairly broad, but tend to fall under business, technology, the arts, and creative fields like design, writing, photography, music production, and so on. It’s a great way to sharpen their skills or explore new fields in their spare time.

One of the things many busy people lament is the lack of time to read. Audiobooks take care of that excuse, so now you can find out if they really wish they had more time to read or if they’re just saying that to sound smart. Audible is the most popular source for audiobooks, and you can give a gift subscription for anywhere from 1 to 12 months, and 1 free download per month is included in the subscription price. AudiobooksNow is an alternative to Audible, and it offers more option for gifting, allowing you to give specific titles as a gift, sign someone up for a gift plan that gives them 50% off up to 12 audiobooks for one year, or simply buy a gift card with any amount of money you choose, starting at $10.

Technology has been an ongoing boon to music makers and music lovers alike, but the downside is that anyone with a personal music collection has had a rough time keeping up over the last forty years or so. A 7-in-1 music player (AM, FM, CD, vinyl, cassette, bluetooth, and auxiliary in) allows them to get some use out of all that accumulated music without needing a room full of stereo equipment.

It’s no myth — well-kept vinyl sounds better, and there will always be an extra cool factor to turntable records. A membership to Vinyl Me, Please gets them a deluxe edition vinyl record delivered monthly, along with other add-ons like art prints and custom paired cocktail recipes (depending on the plan you choose). With three different genre tracks to fit their taste and the flexibility of swapping records whenever they want, you know they’ll be thrilled with their musical bounty every month.

In some houses it’s always music time, no matter the hour of the day. Still, it’s nice to know if you have to go to work or something. A vinyl record clock represents the perfect way to keep time.

Musicians have been using alcohol to make music since (presumably) the first caveman accidentally imbibed something fermented and learned how fun it was to pound on different rocks with an old saber-toothed tiger bone. These major scale wine glasses take the concept to a more refined level.

And when it’s time to relax with that glass, bottle, can, or jar of sweet poison, they’re going to need somewhere to place it without messin’ up the furniture. How about a snazzy set of repurposed album coasters?

Musicians and music lovers alike know the value of getting their kids involved in music from an early age. But what about their fur babies? There’s no cat cooler than a DJ cat, and this scratching pad turntable is the purr-fect place to hone their chops.

Famous musicians live wildly interesting and often bizarre lives, the kind that sound fun but in reality are usually way more trouble than they’re worth. Musician biographies are a great way to experience the craziness from afar.

Know someone who’s got a rusty-stringed acoustic guitar languishing under a pile of old clothes, or a piano gathering dust in the family room? Sometimes a little nudge is all they need to finally start moving down the path to musical stardom (or at least competence). There are lots of choices out there, but Playground Sessions (for piano players) and Guitar Tricks (for guitar players, duh) are can’t miss options.

Whether you’re buying for a musician, concert lover, club DJ, raver, or other seeker of loud noises, ear protection is a must. But not all earplugs are created equal. Those made from traditional materials like foam just make everything sound dull. Specialized earplugs from Loop or Vibes, on the other hand, bring the decibels down to safe levels while letting the most important frequencies through so they can hear the music the way it was supposed to sound, but without melting their eardrums.

Few people enjoy the recorded sound of their own singing voice, but everyone is a superstar in the shower. Unfortunately, showers don’t accommodate most backing bands, so if they want accompaniment, they’re going to have to look at some other options. A waterproof shower speaker is the best way to belt it out with their favorite artists in the world’s best vocal booth.

Many a midlife crisis is brought on by a feeling of crushing existential boredom — the feeling that life is unbelievably dull and that’s never going to change. Not tomorrow, not the next day…never. For someone suffering from this particular form of midlife torture, just getting out and doing something that tricks the primitive lizard brain into thinking it might die at any moment might be enough to shake a few brain cells loose (in a good way). Ideas for adventure gifts are virtually endless. Skydiving and bungee jumping are classic choices that you can find just about anywhere — if they have the stomach for it. For speed freaks, NASCAR offers a variety of in-car experiences from ride-alongs to the chance to get behind the wheel and take on some of the most famous race tracks in the US.

A vacation is another tried and true midlife crisis remedy. But it’s important to respect the opportunity for your recipient-in-crisis to choose his own destination. One despairing soul may want to sit by the pool for a month at a resort in Cancun, another may want to go yurt-hopping through Mongolia. He can do either one with an Airbnb gift card (yes, really).

Even men who don’t want to beat each other up still want to know how to beat each other up if they ever change their minds. If your man in crisis never learned how, then local martial arts classes can help him feel manlier and more competent — not to mention help him get in better shape and develop camaraderie with his fellow trainees.

Sometimes, it’s just being an adult that’s bumming him out. A full size arcade game cabinet loaded with all of the best classic video games from the height of the arcade era might help him escape back to the glory days of childhood for a minute. Or he might just disappear into a black hole in the basement for the next six months.

If he’s already taken things into his own hands and bought a motorcycle to “break free from bourgeois society” or whatever, then show him he has your full support by getting him some badass accessories. A motorcycle helmet from Deadbeat Customs will keep his melon safe and help him stand out on the road from all of the other kindred mavericks seeking freedom on two wheels.

After spending a couple of decades in a cubicle, office, warehouse, or other typical work environment, many experience the unmistakable yearning for freedom and self-expression of the artistic life. If they missed the boat early on, this is the perfect time to pick up a musical instrument. The great thing about a travel guitar is that, well, it travels. So if they travel for work, they don't have to leave their rockstar alter-ego in the basement back home. Now they can finally live their dream of going on tour with the band, even if it’s just a one-man band.

The EBow is a handheld device that uses a small electromagnetic field to vibrate the guitar’s strings, so you can play without picking, strumming, plucking or touching the strings at all. Moving and holding the EBow in different ways allows you to create a variety of different unique effects, from ephemeral orchestra-like sounds to undulating synth noises. The EBow opens up all kinds of sonic possibilities that can’t be recreated with just your hands.

For a luthier, a player with multiple guitars, or anyone else who has to restring frequently, an automatic string winder is almost a necessity. Cranking the tuning pegs to get the guitar’s strings up to tension (or unwinding them before removing) is the most tedious part of the whole string changing process, and this drill-like contraption helps to get it done in a fraction of the time. NOTE: This isn’t a beginner’s tool, because you need to know when to stop tightening the string so that it doesn’t snap. But for an experienced guitarist/guitar tech who restrings guitars often, this is worth its weight in gold.

In the world of guitar amplifiers, Marshall is one of the most iconic brands in history. But even the classic Marshall stacks seen on stage in the 60s and 70s fell short in one area: they were rarely filled with beer. This Marshall mini fridge rectifies that oversight in the coolest way possible. Is this the ultimate appliance for the musician’s man (or woman) cave? We think so.

It’s estimated that up to half of a guitar player’s waking time is spent rummaging through tabletop clutter and jacket pockets for a stray guitar pick. A pick punch goes a long way toward solving this massive time-sucking problem by allowing them to make guitar picks out of anything the punch is capable of cutting through. But like any great tool, it’s only helpful if used responsibly. If they start attacking the credit cards and window blinds, it might be time for an intervention.

Even the best guitars need a little work every once in a while to stay in top playing condition. And you don’t need the most sophisticated tools in the world to make the necessary adjustments or provide the proper care — but you do need the right ones. This Ernie Ball tool kit provides the essentials in a handy little carrying case.

A proper neck support makes working on a guitar — including doing simple things like changing the strings — immeasurably easier. This collapsible tripod support from Planet Waves lets you turn any surface into a convenient and secure work station.

For most guitar players, it’s not just an instrument — it’s a lifestyle. So not all guitar gifts have to contribute directly to making music. This opens up a whole wide array of clothing and accessory options. Guitar players especially like to rep their favorite brands, so find out whose gear they really dig and get them some great swag from those companies.

Different guitar players often have vastly different ideas about how to care for a guitar. Some are obsessively protective, while others don’t mind beating and battering their instrument until it looks like a used doorstop. If you know a guitar player who protects their axe like a newborn baby, this maintenance kit from Dunlop will help them keep it looking shiny and pristine for years.

As a beginning guitar player, one of the easiest ways to learn new songs is to look up tabs or videos on your phone. But positioning your phone can be tricky, especially if you have to continually look back and forth between the screen and your own fingers on the fretboard. A smartphone capo allows you to keep your phone in perfect position to easily read lyrics and chord diagrams while you’re playing.

If there’s one gift on this list that will make any electric guitar player squeal with happiness, it’s this one. Given its tiny stature, this might look like a toy, but it’s not. The sound of the Orange Micro Terror is nothing short of amazing. Even through the 8” Orange speaker cabinet (pictured) it delivers plenty of wallop and loads of genuine vintage Orange tone. But hook it up to a full-size speaker cabinet, and prepare to be utterly blown away. Not to mention, have you ever seen something look so adorable and awesome at the same time?

The Decodyne Math Clock is a traditional wall clock with one important twist--its hours are marked by simple math equations. To tell the time, you solve for the answer! The clock measures 11-1/2 inches in diameter, so you can read it easily, even from across the room. Powered by a single AA battery, the Decodyne Math Clock does not need to be plugged into a wall for operation. The perfect office clock for an engineer, an accountant, a mathematician or anyone else who works with numbers.

Everyone says thank you in a different way. Here’s a chance to say it using the recipient’s own image. Simply choose the most endearing, hilarious, embarrassing, or awesome photos of your groomsmen, and send them in to be immortalized in pint glass form. This is the bro version of commissioning a bust in honor of the people who have stood at your side through one of the most important days of your life.

Like obedient pets, people can be trained to be useful too. All you need is a little auditory stimulation and an important duty to perform, and you can make every human within earshot as helpful as Lassie. Though you probably can’t make them as cute. On the flip side of the coin, humans have hands, so they can do more things for you. Unlike a dog, which can’t offer much more than a good face licking. So it depends on what your priorities are.

After illness or surgery, everyone needs some time off to recuperate and get back to full strength. But unless you give them something to do, most likely they’ll disappear into the dark abyss of the internet. And then who knows what they’ll be when they emerge. The solution? A warm blanket, some good old fashioned paper-bound word puzzles, a coloring book, and a fistful of colored pencils. Just like the good old days. Except modern medicine works better than what they had in the good old days. Make sure they’re taking their medicine. That’s even more important than the word puzzles.

It’s a shame that we don’t celebrate and venerate our elders like we should. So don’t let this occasion go by without telling them how you really feel — that it’s hilarious how old they are. They’ve now crossed that magical line where every compliment must be followed by “…for your age.” And where every gift must remind them of how damn long they’ve managed to stay alive. This gift finds a way to do that while also helping everyone get drunk. That’s hard to beat.

Many people don’t realize that 69 is the only birthday in between 39 and 100. Like the 39th birthday, once they’ve reached this threshold, a second column is created for +1 through +30. Thus the old fart is able to remain young in number without resorting to outright lying. If the senior decades are known as the “golden years,” 69+1 is the year you really start to notice that bright metallic glow forming around them. That, and they start forgetting where they put their dentures.

Remember what life was like before the internet? When a peeping tom had to grab his binoculars and hide in the bushes or climb up a tree to get a good look into your private life? Now any aspiring voyeur doesn’t even need to be fit enough to leave the couch — much less climb the 30-foot elm in your front yard. All they need to do is find a digital backdoor to your webcam. Which means the creep game is now open to a whole new league of players. This is how you keep them off your field.

There’s real peace of mind that comes from not caring what kinds of catastrophes are befalling the outside world. An uninterruptible power supply — one that keeps your electronics running seamlessly even as the electrical grid collapses — provides just that. Survivalists and preppers love these, along with work-at-homers who are constantly battling short deadlines. So do all the people who want to know Facebook will still be there come hell or high water.

The condition of your physical space often says a lot about the state of your life in general. So if your computer desk or entertainment center is a snake den of twisted cords, you may be giving the outside world a window into the chaotic swirl going on inside your head. And that’s the kind of information that one is better keeping to oneself, lest people begin to make negative assumptions. A package of handy, affordable cord organizers like these are a great way to subtly suggest to a loved one that they get their s#*t together — or at least make it look like they already have.

Modular furniture is worth its weight in gold for anyone who lives in a small space. Also, playing around with configurable stuff like this is fun because it’s sort of like experiencing your childhood dream of living in a Lego world. Except this is better because you won’t accidentally swallow it and end up in the emergency room. The easy lock-and-unlock design, corner-friendly configurability, and variety of storage options make it perfect for any desk slave who needs to declutter their work area while keeping the various tools of the trade close at hand.

Everyone knows the government is watching and listening in on everything they do. But that doesn’t mean you’re powerless, especially against lesser antagonists like petty criminals, credit card thieves, and internet perverts. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of those inventions that makes computer nerds so infinitely lovable. Connecting to a VPN makes it impossible for anyone to see your IP address, which means it’s impossible to track where you’ve been on the internet or steal your data. A perfect tech gift for travelers, those who work on their computers in public places, and the eternally paranoid.

Ergonomics are everything, especially for the desk jockeys who spend 50% or more of their waking hours parked in front of a keyboard. Though the office workers of the world may not be able to halt the slow disintegration of their bodies, they can at least protect their delicate wrists and fingers from overuse injuries. For these are the instruments with which they run the economy. Buy one of these laptop risers for an office worker you know who gets the cold sweats when they hear the phrase “carpal tunnel.”

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to learn from the best in the world? This is the idea behind MasterClass. A wide range of courses designed and taught by some of the most famous, renowned, and respected luminaries in fields as diverse as cooking, guitar playing, negotiation (hostage or otherwise), fiction writing, film making, and gardening, just to name a few. You can give a single class as a gift or a subscription for all of them.

When they can’t rely on a standard door lock to keep people out of their living space, they need to get creative. But if they’re not up to rigging up booby traps everywhere they go, fret not. Someone already created a simple, pocket sized solution. The Addalock portable door lock is designed to provide the safety, security, and extra peace of mind needed when traveling or squatting in shady digs.

Turn any room into a game room without ruining the elegant vibe they’ve worked so hard to cultivate. Foosball is a game of the people, making the great sport of soccer accessible to everyone, even the tragically out-of-shape and terminally uncoordinated. And old school tabletop games like foosball give people a real world gathering place, so they can get off the damn interwebs for a while and learn how to engage in face-to-face communication. It’ll be awkward at first, but they’ll get used to it. Speaking of which, this table makes a great conversation piece.

The world is full of more grimy, disgusting, and dangerous debris than most people are aware of, and some of it is all over your fingers. Thankfully, someone has created a spectacular solution (that looks and feels an awful lot like silly putty) to help remove those disgusting substances from everyday surfaces before they have a chance to get all over someone you love and and ruin their life. A great, long lasting, and highly reusable gift for anyone who touches things all day and doesn’t want to be gross.

It’s no longer reasonable to allow your writing utensils to do single duty. These days, a pen that does nothing but write is a child’s toy. Actually, it’s even worse than that, because kids know better than to write by hand, what with all the voice recognition apps they have within arms reach at all times. That means pens are functionally useless. Let that sink in a minute. But not this pen, because it’s also several other things that can help the user accomplish something important. This is no gimmick. It’s a revolutionary tool, and the world will never be the same.

It’s an underappreciated fact of the animal kingdom that all of its members can be made into jerky. Except maybe insects and jellyfish. And Sasquatch — but that’s only because you’ll never catch him. Everything else is fair game for the jerky racket. And once you’ve tried Buffalo Bob’s full array of exotic jerky offerings, you’ll understand that jerkyhood is perhaps the highest state that animals can achieve — like a sort of physical enlightenment. But delicious.

As you’re probably aware, life has the ability to present far more than 100 unique deadly situations. However, for anyone looking to become death-proof, these 100 skills are the perfect place to start. This Navy SEAL penned survival guide offers up the most essential tricks and techniques to foil the grim reaper and his various earthly minions wherever and however they may haunt the reader. From battle-tested death maneuvers to everyday survival and evasion strategies, this book has what it takes to take any average Joe or Jane from “dead meat” to Badass Street.

When caught in life’s most dire situations, sometimes you must rely on the kindness of strangers as a last resort. But sometimes strangers turn out to be murderers, or worse. That’s what technology is for. This portable charger can be a literal life saver when stuck on the road with a dead battery. And what’s more, it doubles as a charger of electronic devices as well, eliminating boredom and the need for possibly nefarious “good samaritans” in one fell swoop.

When someone drops a bomb with your name on it, the best thing you can do is light a candle with theirs on it. Not to pray for their soul, mind you, but to cleanse the shared airways. And since it’s always best to fight heavy artillery with heavy artillery, you don’t want to settle for any old candle. You want a high quality hand-poured candle with a scent that’s strong enough to fight off that of your antagonist. The perfect gift for anyone who lives with a documented intestinal terrorist.

There’s nothing better than when someone goes and solves a problem you didn’t know you had, without even being asked. Such is the case with this pocket knife style key organizer. Among the benefits afforded by this customizable device are increased pocked comfort, improved aesthetics, and the ability to slip into one’s house soundlessly, like a thief. It’s really superior to the old-style keychain in every conceivable way.

There are very few authentic Viking activities that are acceptable in modern society. So for the most part, we have to take what we can get. Drinking from a real, ethically harvested Viking-style bull horn drinking vessel is one of those acceptable activities. And drinking from a Viking horn vessel is more than just acceptable — it’s a recognized sign of strength, power, and valor. And in some cases, perhaps mild psychotic tendencies. But nothing society isn’t set up to handle.

When was the last time you were truly challenged by your nuts? That’s the idea behind the Death Nuts line of super spicy peanuts for crazy people. This isn’t a “sit in front of the TV and relax” brand of nuts. This is the “Oh God, what was I thinking, why do I make so many bad choices” peanut. The culinary equivalent of self-flagellation. Except taking the Death Nut Challenge doesn’t earn you any points with God. Just a good hour of blinding pain that you didn’t even know was possible.

Men love stuff they can cut, smash, or incinerate other stuff with. The impulse has been engraved into their genes over countless millennia by the invisible hand of evolution. Thus, a pocket knife is one of those classic gifts that is guaranteed never to disappoint. A genuine high-quality pocket knife really adds to the manliness quotient, even if they’re just sitting on the couch picking their teeth with it and watching wilderness shows.

Some day soon, we’ll all have portable movie projectors installed in our fingertips. Until then, you have to carry one of these in your pocket. Not too bad of an option, considering that this tiny box gives whoever holds it the power to turn any plain old wall into a high-quality theater screen. Just dim the lights, push a button, and project virtually any movie known to man via Netflix, YouTube, or Amazon Prime Video. A convenient and powerful way to keep the masses in one’s thrall.

Sleep Pod is a first-of-its-kind sleep solution designed around the science of Deep Touch Pressure Therapy that can help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer. Sleep Pod applies a gentle, calming pressure to your entire body, much like a hug. This helps to reduce anxiety and gets you ready for sleep.

To be an effective steward of the kitchen, one needs a strong organization system — a system that makes storage, operation, and cleaning super easy. Otherwise, food prep efforts are liable to become a shit storm of fruit peels, vegetable parts, and other victual detritus. The Prep Deck is a fully integrated meal prep station, complete with all the storage container and prep accessories needed to help even the most disorganized cook stay on the straight and narrow.