Men of discerning tastes should not suffer the indignity of walking back and forth from the couch to the kitchen for a beer. We put a man on the moon for God’s sake. Hand-made by Amish craftsmen and built to last for generations, this is no flimsy Walmart furniture. Class out the wazoo.
In a world where deadlines are king, why not focus on a finish line that’s really worth celebrating? Retirement! They'll keep their eye on the prize with this optimistic ticker that will drive them to accomplish bigger and better things at work. Imagine the sweet silence of no alarm in the wee hours of the morning. Retirement will feel like it’s always right around the corner.
This gift gives them actual ownership of a tiny piece of a real Scottish castle, which gives them the legal right to call themselves a Laird or Lady. It’s a perfect boost to their ego, instant bragging rights, and endless opportunities to make them try a Scottish accent. When you add next year’s gift of a kilt to the mix, the transformation will be complete.
Like a big brother (or sister) helping them through life one handy trick at a time, the Life Hacks desk calendar is here to let them in on all the little secrets that they wish someone would have told them years ago. Well, maybe not all of them, like where to find that pirate treasure they’ve been looking for since they were 8 years old. But really, it’s time they gave up on that and moved on anyway. This is where the real intel is.
We all have the urge to make chicken soup for a sick loved one, but that’s hard to do if you live hundreds or thousands of miles away. Enter the Spoonful of Comfort. They will deliver a basket containing gourmet soup, bread, cookies, a personalized note, and even a ladle. It’s the next best thing to doing yourself.
Poetry is the most appropriate art form for cats, because regardless of the author, nobody cares if a poem makes sense. In fact, the less sense the better. And cats are idiots. Creative, creative idiots, with agendas you never would have guessed.
Science is never better than when you can eat it. But you can’t safely eat most science, which is why this book is such a dang miracle. Technically all food is science, but the food in this book has more science than like a hot dog or something. And it’s no gimmick either — The New York Times Book Review says it’s “the one book you must have, no matter what you’re planning to cook or where your skill level falls.” Finally, a worthwhile use for chemistry.
It has been prophesied that the apocalypse will not come via comet or nuclear war, it will come when the world’s caffeine sources dry up. But that’s not for another 15 or 20 years. Until then, it should be approached with a complete lack of self-control. Give them a leg up with a buzz you should need a prescription for.
Why is it so hard to judge the correct amount of spaghetti noodles to cook? It’s not like we haven’t done this a million times. For whatever reason, the human mind cannot solve this equation. Luckily there’s no need with this handy tool that can measure standard portions for people and even those who are so hungry they could eat a horse.
Celebrate their roots with one of these insanely comfortable t-shirts to remind them where they’re from. A great antidote to homesickness and scratchy-clothing syndrome. And if someone should find them drunk and unresponsive on the front lawn, they’ll know approximately where to send them.
Corporate life is not about achievement or progress, it’s about survival. Everyone in the office tribe knows this but few will admit it. With a few strokes of the pen, an artist has rendered that common feeling of treading water with feigned composure that all cubicle slaves feel as soon as they enter the dungeon. Remind them that you’re all in on the game with this humorous and poignant paper pad.
Gummy bears used to be cute until you knew what was inside of them. Pass the word on with this realistic larger-than-life plastic illustration of the insides of what used to be your favorite candy. Don’t let the candy manufacturers get away with this disgusting ruse any longer.
Much like with the mummies of old Egypt, dehydrating food is a very handy way to make it last longer. But you have to do it just right — simply leaving fruit, vegetables, and meat out on the kitchen table is not the answer (as so many people have found out the hard way). Thankfully, the inventors of the electric food dehydrator have done all the learning and thinking for the rest of us, so now all we have to do is load it up and turn a dial. Mmm, beef jerky.
This isn’t what the author meant when he said, “These words stand on their own,” but it sure does create a unique effect. And it’s sure to confuse small children and old people. Minimalism is old hat. Say hello to invisiblism with this creative gift.
If you're having a hard time figuring out what to get them, why not just let them create what they want themselves? These hand held 3D printers have advanced a lot since they were introduced and the prices have come down. Fair warning, you may end up getting some less than beautiful plastic gifts from them in return at your next holiday or birthday party.
Who doesn’t appreciate a hug every once in a while? It may have never occurred to you, but our feet don’t often get the love they need. Well, someone’s feet are going to be in for a real treat now with this pair of custom insoles. Up til now they’ve probably always been crammed into ready-made factory-produced shoes. It’s no wonder they’re getting so ornery. These custom molded insoles fit like a glove (we’d say “like a sock”, but these are light years better than socks), help prevent injuries, and ease foot fatigue and associated pain.
Kombucha is the ancient art of making tea into something half the people who try it will love and the other half will vomit back onto your carpet. The people who love it are objectively correct, because it makes you live forever (almost). Anyone who has fallen head over heels for it will do the same for you if you buy them this homebrew kit.
Keeping practical supplies in the car in case of emergency is something we all should do – yet many people out there on the road haven't added so much as a band-aid to their car’s inventory. That’s right, in the event of a blizzard, those store receipts and empty fast food bags won’t save you. Shocking, we know. This Auto Survival Kit on the other hand…
This is the perfect choice for their bedside reading lamp - a light bulb that actually promotes sleep. Typical bulbs emit a specific type of blue light that suppresses melatonin, but that wavelength of color is filtered out of this bulb that is used by NASA to help astronauts sleep in space.
Imagine their surprise when you tell them you're on the way to pick them up, and then roll up in a stretch limo. Rent it for a few hours so they have enough time to make several stops. Do some normal stuff, but in a limo - maybe take them to the drug store or to get groceries. Then go out on the town for dinner and drinks (or just drink in the limo). Take a limo to the mall for a shopping spree and score double points. On any given day there are plenty of limos available to rent immediately in most cities. It'll be fun for you too, and they'll tell stories about it for years.
The great conundrum of losing your glasses has always been that you’ve lost the one thing that you need to find the thing you’ve lost. That is, until technology stepped in. Now, through the magic of bluetooth, there’s one more layer of foolproof assistance to undo the errors of human carelessness. That is, until they lose their phone too. At that point, the only answer is super-gluing their belongings to their body. Even idiot-proofing has its limits.
Something plants have always wondered: why do people hang pictures of them on the wall, when they could put real ones there? Ask no more, green ones, because inside this stylish frame, you're living works of art. This modern shelf (in two sizes) will keep houseplants or kitchen herbs thriving, even when there's not much natural light. Your kitchen garden can hang right above the counter, or use the smaller, vertically oriented version for a single fern or aloe, to make a cozy bathroom nightlight.
The only problem with an oven is that it’s so much bigger than a pizza. Nobody knows why. This rotating pizza oven is compact and has separately-controlled, programmable bottom and top heating elements so your pizza comes out perfect every time. Fast, efficient, energy-saving, and delicious.
If they're a little clumsy in the kitchen, these cut resistant gloves may help them from accidentally adding unplanned ingredients to their meal (fingers in the coleslaw are never good). Now you won’t need to be suspicious of that red sauce when they invite you over for dinner.
Since the dawn of time, chaos, terror, and death have periodically rained down from the sky. Only the lucky were spared. But now we have weather radios, so you can go inside instead of dying. This one also conveniently charges your phone so the next hurricane doesn’t have to interrupt your game of angry birds.
If you haven’t heard, the digital publishing revolution has been in full swing for years now. Anyone can order their own custom created books, pamphlets, and other propaganda material with the click of a button. Online printing experts Shutterfly have gotten in the game with a custom printed photo book. No more slipping Polaroids into clear plastic sleeves. That was cool in the 60s, but we’ve come a long way since then. Now you can commission the kind of glossy, professionally bound photo book that used to be reserved for the fancy-pantsed big shot photographers.
Give the gift of beautiful views, bucket-list achievements, and especially if they’re afraid of heights, hours of entertainment for you. It veers away from cruel since it’s completely safe, but you’ll definitely get your money’s worth watching them rotate between admiring the splendor and clutching the basket while praying in four languages. Especially since they only speak one.
This high-tech notebook combines the best of cutting-edge technology and old fashioned pen and paper. Send notes directly to the cloud using the Rocketbook smartphone app, and erase the notebook for reuse up to five times using a microwave. For real. Now if you could only microwave away your long history of embarrassing Instagram posts.
Who has time for trial and error? Folks today demand fast-acting, proven solutions to their everyday conundrums. A modern stand-in for the tried and trusted Farmer’s Almanac, this back pocket companion is more reliable than your great-grandmother and more concise than an open-ended Google search. Believe it or not, some of the “smartest” solutions have been around for ages.
For the person who’ll try anything once, why not pop them in a local isolation tank and deprive them of their senses for an hour or so, see what happens? It might make them feel super relaxed and chilled-out. It could even be an enlightening experience. Or, it might just make them feel lucky to be alive when you finally let them out!
Nothing adds a bit of natural flair to an outdoor party better than a large piece of fruit that gets you drunk. Just hollow out a watermelon, insert the tap, and fill it up with your favorite beverage. Let them show off their inner DIY in the coolest way possible.
Why bother with messy paints and long drying times when there’s a perfectly good computer to paint on? The digital paintbrush mimics the flexibility and feel of the real thing, and even leaves brush stokes. It can simulate painting in oil, acrylic, watercolor or charcoal and is compatible with most touchscreen devices.
As much as we love old people, we can’t stop laughing at how often they lose things. But alas, we really should take some pity on them. How many times can one person lose their reading glasses before they find that their sanity has vanished along with them? These portable, foldable reading glasses are the answer that elderly folk everywhere have been waiting for, whether they know it or not. Now if you can only find something to help them stop losing their keys…
Technology may be shockingly smart these days, but unfortunately your computer is still too dumb to stand up when you do. Though on that note, when it does become smart enough to stand up with you, you should probably run. On second thought, once the machines are that smart it’s already too late. Just sit back down and wait for the computer to tell you what to do next. If you don’t make any abrupt movements, it might spare you. In the meantime, buy this adjustable standing desk for someone you care about so they don’t ruin their posture.
One of the biggest problems with being in public is there are so many things you’re either required or tempted to touch. Door handles, ATM touchscreens, animals, garbage…the list is practically endless. And it’s all contaminated with a never-ending litany of biological hazards and impurities. Germs, chemicals, and various bodily fluids are liberally smeared upon all the surfaces of our civilization. This keychain multitool is the gift from the gods of hygiene we’ve all been waiting for.
This electric pasta maker mixes and extrudes various shapes of pasta without taking up added counter or drawer space. The eight included interchangeable tips create penne, spaghetti, lasagna, angel hair, fettuccine, tagliatelle, spaghettini, ravioli, and dumplings. Each batch makes up to five servings of fresh homemade pasta. Parts remove for easy cleaning. Includes recipe book and flour and liquid measuring cups, and cleaning tool.
This is essentially a big book full of trivia questions you’ll never be asked. But really, what is this obsession with “useful” knowledge? As they say, one man’s mental treasure is another’s cranial garbage. So when it comes to knowledge, quality and usefulness are always subjective. If you know someone who enjoys filling their head with obscure, bizarre, thought-provoking, and silly crap that nobody else cares about, this volume could be their new bible.
This clay roasting pan made in Germany cooks a chicken to crispy perfection whether in an oven or a grill. Suitable for a chicken up to 10 lbs., the bird is best inverted and placed over the pan’s central spike, which evenly cooks the chicken from the inside. The vertical position allows an oven’s heat to circulate around the bird without the need for turning, which also allows its dark and white meat to cook evenly (without trussing) while also allowing juices to constantly baste the breast. The pan’s 8-cup capacity provides generous room for caramelizing vegetables as they roast beneath the chicken. Dishwasher-safe after cooling.
In case you haven’t gotten the memo, we’re basically wrong about everything, and here’s the proof. Even the stuff you’re pretty sure you know is mostly wrong. And we’re not talking about getting complex math problems wrong or misjudging the character of your friends. We’re talking about basic, simple facts in topics like history and science — the stuff you’re supposed to learn in school. Yeah, it was all a big bundle of lies and misunderstandings. And if you look back over your life, perhaps that explains a lot.
For many people, donuts are the only reason to get up in the morning. Despite this, we’ve been told over and over how unhealthy they are, being fried balls of dough and all. Well, this donut pan will remove the final psychological barrier to full enjoyment, because it takes out the frying. Take that, food police. Oh, and it’s a lot cheaper too.
Technology has been an ongoing boon to music makers and music lovers alike, but the downside is that anyone with a personal music collection has had a rough time keeping up over the last forty years or so. A 7-in-1 music player (AM, FM, CD, vinyl, cassette, bluetooth, and auxiliary in) allows them to get some use out of all that accumulated music without needing a room full of stereo equipment.
The perfect gift for your friend who struggles to leave their fluffy unicorn slippers at home in the morning- cough, um, did we say unicorn? We meant stylish sheepskin moccasins, obviously. Anyway, these cozy shoe liners will make them feel nice and warm and sleepy… oh no, Jeff’s fallen asleep at his desk again.
Some might consider it the ultimate display of human privilege to begin claiming faraway stars just because we have a few extra dollars in our pockets. But once you realize that the universe is far bigger than you think it is, you’ll cool off a little. There’s more than enough to go around for everybody. Several billion times over. So go ahead and give someone a little piece of the cosmic pie. Nothing to get all riled up about.
This compact keyboard pairs with a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth and folds in half for easy portability. Small enough to take along in a coat pocket or purse, the keyboard is ideal for composing lengthy e-mails or word documents that would become tiresome using a device’s tiny onscreen keyboard. The 50 keys are arrayed in the familiar QWERTY layout for comfortable typing and the keyboard charges via USB.
This device blocks nuisance calls and prevents your phone from even ringing. It connects to any landline and is pre-installed with a database of 5,000 numbers of the most notorious telemarketers and spam callers. If a nuisance caller not on the list gets through, the device has a red “Block Now” button that automatically ends the call and adds the number to its database of blocked callers.
Many of us rely on fortune cookies for guidance in everyday matters and major life decisions alike. Yet we never stop to think that we’re casting our fate into the hands of some anonymous pastry worker — or worse yet, some mindless, heartless industrial food processing machine — in a faraway land we likely can’t even pronounce. It’s time we begin taking our destiny into our own hands. Here’s to pulling ourselves up by the cosmic bootstraps.
Nothing beats a pizza cooked in a wood-fired stone oven, but a giant pizza oven is a little difficult to give as gift. This stovetop version is a lot easier to wrap and delivers the same great flavor as its big brother.
The world is full of more grimy, disgusting, and dangerous debris than most people are aware of, and some of it is all over your fingers. Thankfully, someone has created a spectacular solution (that looks and feels an awful lot like silly putty) to help remove those disgusting substances from everyday surfaces before they have a chance to get all over someone you love and and ruin their life. A great, long lasting, and highly reusable gift for anyone who touches things all day and doesn’t want to be gross.
Chop an onion in one easy push with no crying? Who wouldn’t prefer to dice their onions this way? Probably someone who likes to season their food with tears. Or maybe someone who likes to be the object of pity. For the rest of us, who have plenty of salt in the pantry, perfectly uniform pieces of onion await, and no one asking you if you're alright. This heavy-duty food chopper also makes quick work of potatoes, carrots, cheeses, and more.
This humorous kit is the proof: Working apart is bringing us together. When this (you know what "this" we mean) is all over, the nine items inside will remind us of the laughs (and awkward moments) we shared with coworkers while coping remotely. A few are functional (ear plugs, webcam cover), others are fun (conference call bingo card, decision coin: pajamas or pants?), and the rest are in-between (fidget cube, desk yoga guide).
We all could use a little more color in our lives—or 540 more colors, that is. With that many puzzle pieces, each in a slightly different shade, this 3D sphere-shaped jigsaw puzzle will excite your inner artist. Explore the color scale as you challenge yourself to piece together each individual hue exactly in relation to the next. The finished result is a rainbow ombre gradient that fades to white at one pole of the puzzle globe and to black at the other. It even comes with a stand, so you can turn your accomplishment into a piece of décor after you place the last piece.
Nothing makes your luggage stand out against all the other schmucks’ tattered old raggedy bags like a shiny brass luggage tag. The perfect gift for the sophisticated globetrotter who likes to travel in style. Use up to five lines of text to list their name, address, phone number, favorite superhero, spirit animal, most embarrassing moment — whatever they (or you) want to permanently engrave. The most distinguished way to keep the grubby little hands of the unwashed masses off their personal belongings at the airport.
Favored by private collectors, this wine management system tracks which wines are in your collection, where they are located, and when they mature. The system comes with a 17" touchscreen computer, 500 barcode labels for each bottle in your collection, and a wireless scanner. Simply scanning the label and typing just the first three letters of a wine’s name prompts the computer to search for it in a 350,000-bottle database. The computer automatically adds an image of the wine label, the country of origin, region, and grape varietal and allows you to input where the bottle is stored in your cellar and the price you paid for it. When a wine is ready to drink, scanning it again removes it from your inventory. The computer connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet and provides access to ratings, tasting notes, and current values for every wine.
Way back when, Japanese noblemen used to wrap their feet in expensive fish to flaunt their wealth to the lower classes. The practice eventually stopped for two reasons: 1) society came to see it as disrespectful toward those who struggled to feed themselves, and 2) it made their feet smell even worse. But history repeats itself and fashion trends always make a comeback. These sushi-patterned socks offer all of the benefits of the old fish-foot tradition, and none of the less desirable social aspects.
Everyone enjoys an old-fashioned jello shot, but no one enjoys having to scoop it out of its cup with your finger or tongue. Jello shots can now be enjoyed as an edible cocktail, one bite at a time, rather than downing the entire thing like a college shot. Simply twist the stem to push the jello up and take a bite. A frat house classic reimagined! Ships ready to eat in a variety of flavors and gift sets for various occasions.
All human life is in need of drama and competition. But unlike the fantasy masterpiece whose name this parodies, that competition need not result in torture, death, and sexual intrigue. You could just play goofy games on your phone instead like a civilized person. Game of Phones makes a great all-around party staple that virtually anyone can play, with no setup, no fancy equipment, and no mind-numbing rules to repeat a dozen times before you start.
This stylish countertop appliance serves as a convection oven, air fryer, slow cooker, dehydrator, toaster, broiler, and pizza oven. Learn how to make everything from perfectly proofed baked goods to guilt-free air fried treats and more. Guided cooking, autopilot functionality, and helpful hints ensure a perfect plate every time. Make over 200 recipes created exclusively for the Breville Joule Oven App by some of the country's most influential chefs.
Genetic engineering used to be the exclusive domain of science fiction and of monstrous corporations like Monsanto. And probably the Bilderberg people. Thankfully, those days are over. Now we can all play God by rearranging the genetic code of living organisms, and you can do it for less than it costs to take your family to Disney World. What could possibly go wrong? And furthermore, who cares? If we’re going to crash the planet, we might as well all have our hands on the wheel.
The world is full of natural and man-made wonders, and in the modern age we have the means to visit all of them, and furthermore to get there within a day or two. And every one of these wonders is better seen while you’re still alive, which the title of this book is not shy about pointing out. Everyone needs something to shoot for in their golden years, and 1000 is quite the ambitious number. It's a gift that will inspire them to knock the dust off the old traveling boots and regain a sense of adventure.
Chronic pain? Laser that sumbitch! Chronically inflamed tissues are a major cause of discomfort, can impede healing, and often limit function and interfere with everyday activities, not to mention athletic pursuits and other physically demanding hobbies. An LED-powered laser therapy device may just be the magic wand an injured human needs to get back in the game. Set them on the road to success with this medical grade handheld stick of light and wonder.
Traveling together can be a bonding experience. But if you’re going to be seen together, isn’t it time they lose that 1970s mustard colored softshell leather suitcase? Come on, you can be honest — it’s a little embarrassing. So help them join the 21st century with a decent luggage set. But on the other hand, maybe you’re not interested in traveling together at all. Maybe a new luggage set is just a nice way of saying, “Would you please go somewhere far away for a while?” It’s great for that too.
The perfect book of assorted puzzles for adults to work out their aggro-boredom while stuck inside the house. Lots of cathartic swearing sprinkled among several types of word, logic, and number puzzles to keep the brain sharp and maybe coerce a chuckle or two from their jaded souls. This is an ideal way to redirect wayward mental energy into something moderately productive so they can take a break from starting fires on social media.
If you’re always relying on Trip Advisor, you’re going to be in for some nasty surprises. Because you never know whether the person on the other end of that five-star review has a conflict of interest, or even if they’re sound of mind to begin with. Leave the hardcore travel advice up to the experts who have the proven experience and insight. National Geographic has made a name for themselves by being THE authority on what to see and where. They’ve got some real skin in the game, unlike Doris from Grand Forks who thinks the Motel 6 in Albuquerque was better than the Grand Canyon. Send your loved one off into the great unknown with the real ultimate guide.
According to a 2019 Harris Poll, almost a quarter of Americans would choose pizza if they could only eat one food for the rest of their lives. Sixty-five percent think pizza is a suitable breakfast item, and forty percent would give up dating for a year in exchange for free pizza anytime they wanted. This pizza oven is for outdoor use, is portable, and fueled by wood, charcoal, or pellets and can reach a temperature of 930 degrees Fahrenheit. Oven walls, ceiling and floor are fully insulated.
Back in the old days you were really rolling the dice when you chose a hotel. Either you called blindly after skimming the phone book or simply drove all night and hoped you saw a vacancy sign before you ran out of gas and got murdered by a vagrant. A gift card is not just a way of picking up the tab for a night’s stay; it’s also the priceless gift of peace of mind.
However you like to get down, it’s always better when you do it big. If you’re buying for someone who has the floor space to handle it, this mat will transform their exercise area into a padded arena fit for all manner of physical pursuits, from dance to martial arts to pilates and beyond. No more bumps, bruises, scrapes, or carpet burn. No more eating concrete when they take a dive out of frog pose during the weekly yoga session. Just pure padded bliss for the physical enthusiast.
We all carry some level of stress around with us in the form of muscle tension. Over time this can really start to cause some problems, like muscle imbalances, joint pain, numbness or lack of sensation in the extremities, and more. Massage is one of the best ways to rid yourself of pesky muscle tension, but busy people rarely feel like they have a few hours to dedicate to this kind of self-care. A handheld electric massager may not be a true replacement for a full body massage, but it’s the next best thing. The Renpho deep tissue massager delivers some serious juice to break up the gnarliest muscle knots, adhesions, and trigger points in just a few minutes.
Give frequent travelers the opportunity to regale their house guests with stories of the time they were in wherever. This foam-backed map lets travelers chart their journeys with tiny flags and other markers and can be printed with any message the recipient chooses. A classy gift that looks great in any room.
What’s the point of moving or traveling if you’re going to do the same things you’ve always done when you get there? Give this anywhere travel guide to someone who’s going away and needs some ideas on how to battle boredom. Cards feature prompts that suggest activities they probably wouldn’t think of if left to their own devices.
When they can’t rely on a standard door lock to keep people out of their living space, they need to get creative. But if they’re not up to rigging up booby traps everywhere they go, fret not. Someone already created a simple, pocket sized solution. The Addalock portable door lock is designed to provide the safety, security, and extra peace of mind needed when traveling or squatting in shady digs.
You have no idea how weird the world is. Yeah, we know, you’ve seen your 400 lb next door neighbor dancing to the Bee Gees in his underwear through the front window at 2 in the morning. Take our word for it: that’s nothing. Anyone with a touch of wanderlust and an appreciation for the bizarre will cherish this book.
The flight game is no place for guessing. The last thing they need is to show up at the airport with two extra t-shirts in their suitcase and end up paying those greedy airlines a small fortune in overweight baggage fees. A reliable handheld scale is the way to beat these scammers at their own dirty game. Just hook a bag up to the handle, hoist it a few inches skyward, and verify that they have the upper hand in this exchange.