Chances are you know someone who still patches up their household items using duct tape. Probably while listening to their favorite Bee Gees 8-track. Do that person and their home a favor and bring them out of the DIY dark ages with a roll of Fiberfix. Then maybe go to work on their music collection.
Sitting on the throne, for lack of a better term, isn’t the place where you tend to feel at your most gallant, but every king or queen needs a loyal knight to serve them and we’ve found just the man for the job. Always at hand when they need him the most, he won’t shy away from coming to their aid in even the most, er, challenging of situations.
Try as they might, those frozen cocktails they’re always making in the blender never quite come out right. It’s not because they got the recipe wrong (although by the fourth batch, that’s a good bet too) - it’s because the’ve been using the wrong tools. You wouldn’t let them try to cross a lake in their car, would you? So why are you letting them try to make frozen drinks in a blender? Making a proper beach cocktail first and foremost requires using the right contraption: a specialized frozen drink maker. It’s a small investment for the gallons of glorious delight it will produce.
We’re not sure how far the constitution goes as far as ring marks on tables are concerned, but if you know someone who’s passionate about defending their household surfaces then you might just hit a bullseye with this present. This set of heavy duty coasters are as much a conversation starter as they are a conservation effort so we’d definitely take a shot on them if we were you.
Celebrate their roots with one of these insanely comfortable t-shirts to remind them where they’re from. A great antidote to homesickness and scratchy-clothing syndrome. And if someone should find them drunk and unresponsive on the front lawn, they’ll know approximately where to send them.
You might call your toes “little piggies,” but the truth is that feet are the real workhorses of the human body. And we tend to be pretty merciless toward them for long stretches of the day, so it’s a nice gesture to show them some love when it’s all over with. And healthy feet make a happy human, so you could try giving a foot hammock to the most unlikeable person you know and see if it brightens them up a bit. Or better yet, give it to someone you like. Trust us, they’ll appreciate it.
Nothing makes your luggage stand out against all the other schmucks’ tattered old raggedy bags like a shiny brass luggage tag. The perfect gift for the sophisticated globetrotter who likes to travel in style. Use up to five lines of text to list their name, address, phone number, favorite superhero, spirit animal, most embarrassing moment — whatever they (or you) want to permanently engrave. The most distinguished way to keep the grubby little hands of the unwashed masses off their personal belongings at the airport.
In classier quarters this might be called a “decanter.” But the built-in stupidity of a decanter is that it’s really just a big glass you’re not allowed to drink out of. You see, in the genteel world of wine, “classy” consists of adding unnecessary steps to what should be a simple process. Of course, bourgeois society has attached all kinds of stigma to drinking straight from the bottle, so some kind of compromise is necessary. And that compromise is right here.
If they do any 3D modeling or already have a 3D printer, then a 3D scanner is the obvious gift they need. Any small object can be scanned and rendered as a digital 3D textured mesh in full color, ready to be printed. This is the closest thing we’ve got to the Replicator technology we’ve all seen on Star Trek, so in a sense you'll be preparing them for the future for the future, when we’ll be able to print the entire world and everything in it, like real living friends, pets, and loved ones that act exactly as we’d like them to.
As much as we love old people, we can’t stop laughing at how often they lose things. But alas, we really should take some pity on them. How many times can one person lose their reading glasses before they find that their sanity has vanished along with them? These portable, foldable reading glasses are the answer that elderly folk everywhere have been waiting for, whether they know it or not. Now if you can only find something to help them stop losing their keys…
For the frugal homemaker, there can never be too many ways to save space and eliminate unnecessary appliances, utensils, and the like. So a single stove-top skillet that allows you to fire up a full three-course meal in one go? You bet your sweet pork chop, corn, and baked beans that’s gonna find a place in lots of kitchens. And consider that it’s stain resistant, built to last, and safe for the oven and dishwasher, and it’s clear someone had their thinkin’ cap on at the old pots and pans factory.
Take a friend back to their glory days on the streets of Hong Kong with this authentic bubble waffle maker. All they have to do is fill this bad boy with their favorite waffle batter, close the lid, and within a few minutes they’ve got their very own homemade version of one of the world’s most iconic street foods. Add in a stockpile of cheap batter and a few cases of whipped cream, and this could literally keep them alive for years.
We are intelligent survivors by nature. Despite its ominous name, a worst case scenario can be a lot of fun, provided you have the tools available to pull a MacGyver-like exit. This little kit can save someone’s life over and over again. Check that, only their primal genius can save their life. But this lends a helping hand.
Video game arcades in every town may be a thing of the past, but with the 80s revival that’s washed over the western world, demand has spiked again for old-time video games that look like they were designed by an 8-year old and housed in giant man-sized boxes. And for good reason: they’re so much fun that you could lose your entire childhood chasing the high score in Asteroids. Don’t ask how we know that.
Though it is roundly considered bad taste to put socks on your face, no taboo exists against doing the opposite. In fact, rocking a pair of face socks is likely to thrust one several notches up the status meter. It’s one of the most underutilized fashion secrets known to modern man (and modern woman). The ancient books counsel that power and prestige await those who carry the human countenance upon their footwear. These are truly the gateway to greater things.
These artistic city map prints add a one-of-a-kind touch to any room. Hundreds of exquisitely designed maps are available for you to choose from, or you can create your own custom map to add any city or town to your decor. Each road, street, and highway has been meticulously hand-crafted by a team of architects and urban planners using industry-standard tools and GIS mapping data. Make your city into a magnificent work of art.
Their toothbrush cleans their mouth, but then what cleans their toothbrush? How have you not been thinking about this? If you don’t have one of these, your mouth and your toothbrush are just playing volleyball with all that crap that comes off your teeth. Life is gross enough without walking around with a bacteria factory in your face.
Spherical food is classy. And now you can turn just about any food into little caviar-like pearls by blending it with water and adding a gelification agent to the mix. Then place it inside this pepper grinder-looking thing and in a few minutes you’ll be shooting out little balls of food. And when you place little balls of food on other non-ball shaped food, everything looks a thousand times fancier, and fancy looking food always tastes better.
Everyday life has plenty of unavoidable indignities; there’s no reason to add cold coffee to the list. We’ve come so far technologically, yet we’re still relying on basic pottery to keep our coffee warm, like it’s the Stone Age or something. People are just too busy to pay attention to how long their coffee mug has been sitting out on the desktop. Place it on one of these instead, and they never have to worry about it again.
For some people, food is so much more satisfying when they make it themselves. But that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t like a little help every once in a while. This electric tomato press, developed in Turin, Italy by kitchen supply manufacturer Tre Spade, makes it easy to make tomato puree. It even separates the puree from the seeds, pulp, and skins. This means they can make authentic pasta sauce out of fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes, but without having to worry about overworking their soft, dainty little hands.
New cars come loaded with all kinds of cool features like backup cameras, but what about the rest of us who are still cruising around in our 1998 Cavalier? We have to turn our heads around like some sort of caveman. No need to get left behind as the world races forward, this handy device attaches to any car with fairly minimal effort.
What better object to have in hand while you’re getting drunk than a grimacing skull to remind you of your own mortality? Rendered in stunningly intricate detail, this guy really comes to life when you fill him up with a colored liquor. Just like someone else you know.
Fire pits sure look inviting, but let’s face it, who wants to smell like charred charcoal and smoldering soot when they crawl into bed at night? Experience the beauty of fire with this classy, odor-free design that can complement any extracurricular activity or intimate affair. Toss the pokers and the bellows and clear the table … this stunning centerpiece is on fire!
What other diversion affords the opportunity to let out both bloodcurdling screams and unrestrained giggling while indulging in sweet candy treats? Embrace the carefree silliness of youth and give them a little license to check out for a few hours. Responsibility can wait. Slap on that wristband and hop on the ride of a lifetime.
If there’s one skill that every responsible citizen should have, it’s the ability to access things that aren’t theirs. But you better believe you don’t get there without practice. Some day they’re bound to come across something they want that has been locked away by some other thoughtless and selfish human. Don’t let them approach this dark situation unprepared.
Humans are still the most accurate translation devices, but they’re also expensive, flaky, and often object to being carried around in your pocket. So the perfect answer, as usual, is to replace them with robots. These handy two-way pocket translators have one job to do, and they do it with gusto. Accurate, fast, and never in need of moral encouragement. Besides, having one of these makes you kind of feel like James Bond.
Most disagreements can be smoothed over with little lasting effect. Others have the potential to create internal family warfare that can rift a clan in two and and cause lingering animosity for generations. The Split Decision Pie Pan is an attempt to avert the disaster that can ensue from dessert arguments, especially during the holidays and other important celebrations. No longer must we choose between apple pie and our own children. Instead, let harmony reign over the land.
Having to get out of bed to retrieve your favorite stuff is the deepest kind of bummer. And since not everyone has the money to afford a full-time servant, many people are forced to suffer the indignity of placing their bare feet upon the cold, hard floor. This bedside shelf is an ingenious answer to that problem, especially for top bunk dwellers and anyone else for whom a bedside table is not an option. An attractive, eco-friendly, and minimalist way to make sure they have all of their doo-dads, gadgets, and consumables within arm’s reach the moment they wake up.
Help someone take their spy game to a whole new level with a camera pen that shoots video in glorious 2k HD, leaving absolutely no question about who stole Deb’s ham sandwich from the office refrigerator. This is the ultimate gotcha device, allowing the user to catch people in the most compromising situations in the service of justice or future extortion. Oh, the bombshells they’re going to drop. Oh, the lids they’ll blow off.
Happy couple decides to go on vacation, finds quaint lodging belonging to complete stranger for a price that seems too good to be true. In the movies, they get hacked to pieces. So here’s one way you can be happy that real life never ends up like the movies. In real life, they just have a great time and never stay in a hotel again.
Everyone enjoys an old-fashioned jello shot, but no one enjoys having to scoop it out of its cup with your finger or tongue. Jello shots can now be enjoyed as an edible cocktail, one bite at a time, rather than downing the entire thing like a college shot. Simply twist the stem to push the jello up and take a bite. A frat house classic reimagined! Ships ready to eat in a variety of flavors and gift sets for various occasions.
This telescoping hedge trimmer provided the best cutting performance in evaluations by the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute. Its removable 20-volt lithium-ion battery drove a dual-action 20" hardened steel blade at 1,300 strokes per minute to easily cut through branches up to 5/8" diam., far superior to other units that required multiple passes. The Best unit also had the quickest charge time at just over an hour and delivered an hour of continuous use. It has a 10-position pivoting head, rotating handle, and a telescoping shaft that lets you easily reach under and above bushes up to 12' tall.
Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. So why would you try to force people into eating one kind of lasagna? That just seems brutal and barbaric. This three-part lasagna pan lets the family chef cater to everyone’s preferences — whether they're picky eaters, vegetarians, allergy sufferers, or just neurotic people with imaginary food sensitivities — helping to unite all eaters around a common dining table. Now that’s a cause we can get behind.
Their very own Tyrannosaurus skeleton. Enough said. It fits all occasions, and those who disagree can take it up with the dinosaur. Help them earn a reputation as the coolest person in the neighborhood, and when holidays swing around, wrapping it in lights and adding a hat can only earn you Alpha Friend status.
The last thing anyone wants to do after a long day is wrack their brains trying to figure out what to drown their sorrows with. That’s really the last straw. With this beautiful, handcrafted set of drunk dice, the possibilities are endless—and so are the regrets. But hey, a party isn’t complete until things get a little dicey..
This is the perfect compromise if you’ve got a bit of a digital dinosaur who wants to let their inner techno-geek take flight. Paper airplanes were a childhood favorite for most people and they can glide into the 21st century with this smartphone controlled version. Essentially a paper drone, they’ll be positively loop-the-loopy with excitement about this modern update on an old school toy.
In the age of AI and computer automation, we need to resist the machines any way we can. This is a great way to start — with a hand-cranked portable washing machine. The manual washing machine is a perfect statement of self-sufficiency and independence, and it’s a wonderful way to recruit someone you know into the resistance. It also allows the user to get the laundry done while on the road, while camping far away from electricity, or even during a hypothetical apocalypse. All in all, it’s a necessary tool in today’s world. The revolution starts here.
Insomniacs often say they’ve tried everything in order to get to sleep. But in reality, how many insomniacs have ever tried hypnotizing themselves with a pulsating blue light? Well, here’s your chance to call bullsh*t on them. Making use of an age-old meditative technique, the insomniac sleep inducer helps people enter the land of a thousand winks by synchronizing and slowly lowering the frequency of their breathing. After that, it’s nothing but hours of the old snoozy-woozy.
There’s nothing better than when someone goes and solves a problem you didn’t know you had, without even being asked. Such is the case with this pocket knife style key organizer. Among the benefits afforded by this customizable device are increased pocked comfort, improved aesthetics, and the ability to slip into one’s house soundlessly, like a thief. It’s really superior to the old-style keychain in every conceivable way.
After a long day at work, they’ll love to come home and fall face-first into the inviting crevices of this butt-shaped head haven. But this is not just a gag gift — this pillow happens to be a great shape to accommodate any sleeping position. With real butt-like tactile qualities, a silky inner lining, and removable yoga pant cover, they’ll look forward to stuffing their face right up in there every night. Soft, comforting, and ergonomical — they’ve never experienced booty sleep like this.
Whether you’re buying for a musician, concert lover, club DJ, raver, or other seeker of loud noises, ear protection is a must. But not all earplugs are created equal. Those made from traditional materials like foam just make everything sound dull. Specialized earplugs from Loop or Vibes, on the other hand, bring the decibels down to safe levels while letting the most important frequencies through so they can hear the music the way it was supposed to sound, but without melting their eardrums.
If you were a burrito, would you eat yourself? I sure would. That's why I don't have one of these giant flour tortilla blankets. But for people with more self control, here's a fun gift they can really wrap themselves up in. This super soft fleece throw blanket comes in four sizes ranging from about 4 to 6 feet in diameter. Large enough to neatly wrap up a child or adult, and any of your other favorite ingredients. Also available as a pizza or waffle, because why not?
At first this sounds like a terribly misguided product idea, because it IS what it looks like - a stainless steel bar of soap. At that seems pretty ineffective compared to soap as you know it. But you may be surprised to learn that stainless steel can actually remove some odors from your hands better than traditional soap. The theory is that the stainless steel attracts and binds to sulfur molecules on your hands that are left behind after working with garlic, onion, fish, and similar foods. Don't believe it? You can test the science by rubbing your hands with a large stainless steel serving spoon.
Since the invention of the original legos, kids have only been able to imagine what their creations would be like if they were life-sized. But not anymore. Giant legos make it possible to experience the dream of a world composed of lego buildings, lego furniture, and human sized lego robots. And it’s not only kids that are getting in on the action. Giant legos are used to create temporary offices, modular furniture, interior decor, exhibits and retail displays, and a lot more. Except the adults like to call them “modular blocks” to make it sound more grown up. But we all know they’re giant legos.
Technology may be shockingly smart these days, but unfortunately your computer is still too dumb to stand up when you do. Though on that note, when it does become smart enough to stand up with you, you should probably run. On second thought, once the machines are that smart it’s already too late. Just sit back down and wait for the computer to tell you what to do next. If you don’t make any abrupt movements, it might spare you. In the meantime, buy this adjustable standing desk for someone you care about so they don’t ruin their posture.
Not everyone has had the time, genetics, or inclination to cultivate a big hairy belly. That doesn’t mean they should miss out on the chance to flaunt a big hairy belly. This lifelike bag allows man, woman, or child to experience the glory of dadbod-ness. The adjustable waist belt ensures that this manbelly will stay snug no matter what their size, and the roomy, multi-pocketed inside makes this a very functional man pouch.
These are the kinds of questions you would only ask Google. The stuff you're genuinely curious about, but that basic dignity prevents you from asking someone face to face. The most traditional approach to this problem is to drink Martinis until you can no longer feel any shame, and corner a doctor at a dinner party. Luckily there is a more dignified way. This book is the equivalent of cornering hundreds of doctors and it answers all the hard questions "a friend of yours" may be wondering about like "Can I lose my contact lens inside my head forever?", and "Does it really take 7 years to digest chewing gum?", or "Why is poo brown?".
All human life is in need of drama and competition. But unlike the fantasy masterpiece whose name this parodies, that competition need not result in torture, death, and sexual intrigue. You could just play goofy games on your phone instead like a civilized person. Game of Phones makes a great all-around party staple that virtually anyone can play, with no setup, no fancy equipment, and no mind-numbing rules to repeat a dozen times before you start.
If you’re from the Americas, you may be surprised to find out that common gestures like the middle finger and the “ok” sign don’t travel as well as you might think. You also may (in case you’re not aware) want to be careful about how you scratch your chin while abroad. This is the perfect book for a frequent traveller who wants to know how to communicate all of the insulting, dismissive messages that just can’t be sent with words.
To be an effective steward of the kitchen, one needs a strong organization system — a system that makes storage, operation, and cleaning super easy. Otherwise, food prep efforts are liable to become a shit storm of fruit peels, vegetable parts, and other victual detritus. The Prep Deck is a fully integrated meal prep station, complete with all the storage container and prep accessories needed to help even the most disorganized cook stay on the straight and narrow.
There’s an old saying that goes, “Nobody wants to see how the sausage is made.” Well, beer isn’t sausage, though they do go very well together. And everyone wants to see how the beer is made. Brewery tours exist to prove that beer, despite all appearances, is not in fact a magical substance. It’s created by ordinary people with ordinary people hands and no magic wands or other supernatural interference. It’s just a bunch of natural processes that happen to be exceptionally awesome. Take a beer enthusiast behind the scenes to witness the (non)magic in person with this local brewery finder.
When someone drops a bomb with your name on it, the best thing you can do is light a candle with theirs on it. Not to pray for their soul, mind you, but to cleanse the shared airways. And since it’s always best to fight heavy artillery with heavy artillery, you don’t want to settle for any old candle. You want a high quality hand-poured candle with a scent that’s strong enough to fight off that of your antagonist. The perfect gift for anyone who lives with a documented intestinal terrorist.
When he’s not whipping up beats and ghetto-smooth flows, it turns out Snoop Dogg is busy whipping up tuna casseroles and birthday cakes. Who would have thought? But then again, given his chosen pastimes, it’s a good bet that he’s hungry more often than the average human. A holy fusion of soul food, classic dinner dishes, and Cap’n Crunch, there’s something for everyone in these pages. Time to get down on some dogg food.
This humorous kit is the proof: Working apart is bringing us together. When this (you know what "this" we mean) is all over, the nine items inside will remind us of the laughs (and awkward moments) we shared with coworkers while coping remotely. A few are functional (ear plugs, webcam cover), others are fun (conference call bingo card, decision coin: pajamas or pants?), and the rest are in-between (fidget cube, desk yoga guide).
Feeling small and insignificant? Looking for that larger than life feeling? Need to jump safely from a great height? Try an inflatable suit. They’re great fun for any occasion, especially for first impressions, and they really make you stand out in a crowd. Inflatable suits are perfect for blind dates, job interviews, concerts or events where personal space may be limited, pushing your way to the front of the line, casual Fridays, motorcycle safety, airplane travel, hiding in pillows, and more.
For all of the earth’s majestic wonders, nowhere will you find a geyser that spits melted chocolate. That’s why fountains were invented. This one may not have the impressive horsepower of Old Faithful, but what comes out of it tastes a whole lot better than sulfurous water. A chocolate fountain, in fact, can even transform the dull bounty of the earth (vegetables, we’re looking at you) into something that people will get excited about eating.
Celebrate America’s favorite Christmas movie all year long with this iconic leg lamp. From the tasseled shade to the fishnet stockings, this lamp screams “I have superior taste”. The lucky person who receives this will surely be inundated with compliments and admiration. Its design is taken straight from the classic movie, and it will undoubtedly conjure up some fond memories for anyone that recognizes this gem. The neighbors will be so jealous.
We all yearn for a greater connection to the cosmos. But it can sure feel lonely down here when you don’t even know the names of any of the celestial bodies you’re squinting up at. This handheld planetarium is adjustable based on the date, time, and latitude of the user, giving them a clear and accurate map of thousands of stars and dozens of constellations. Perfect for planning their first interstellar vacation once Tesla makes personal spaceships affordable for everyone.
Some day soon, we’ll all have portable movie projectors installed in our fingertips. Until then, you have to carry one of these in your pocket. Not too bad of an option, considering that this tiny box gives whoever holds it the power to turn any plain old wall into a high-quality theater screen. Just dim the lights, push a button, and project virtually any movie known to man via Netflix, YouTube, or Amazon Prime Video. A convenient and powerful way to keep the masses in one’s thrall.
Way back when, Japanese noblemen used to wrap their feet in expensive fish to flaunt their wealth to the lower classes. The practice eventually stopped for two reasons: 1) society came to see it as disrespectful toward those who struggled to feed themselves, and 2) it made their feet smell even worse. But history repeats itself and fashion trends always make a comeback. These sushi-patterned socks offer all of the benefits of the old fish-foot tradition, and none of the less desirable social aspects.
The great conundrum of losing your glasses has always been that you’ve lost the one thing that you need to find the thing you’ve lost. That is, until technology stepped in. Now, through the magic of bluetooth, there’s one more layer of foolproof assistance to undo the errors of human carelessness. That is, until they lose their phone too. At that point, the only answer is super-gluing their belongings to their body. Even idiot-proofing has its limits.
With the current rate of the earth’s soil depletion, we’ll soon count on our furniture to feed us. That was surely the inspiration behind this LED-powered indoor garden side table. Thanks to Miracle-Gro, hydroponic cultivation has never been easier or more convenient. This advancement in indoor growing technology has already spawned a new lifestyle movement, known as the “living room vegan.” It’s also helping to change the meaning of the phrase “home-grown.”
Fight back against the scourge of boring guacamole vessels with this hand-painted ceramic avocado bowl. Sure, the neighbors may serve their guacamole in the cheap plastic “Al’s Grocery” containers it came in, but don’t let lower presentation standards spread like a virus. From there, it’s just a slippery slope downward into moral decay and drug abuse. Do you know someone who’s let their party platter game slip a little in recent years? This is the perfect antidote.
This convection bread maker with 16 pre-programmed menu options makes creating a bakery-fresh loaf as simple as adding ingredients and pressing a button. With options that include gluten-free and low-carb varieties—as well as a unique crispy crust setting—filling your home with the heavenly aroma of baked bread has never been easier. A push-button selector lets home bakers adjust the crust for a lightly browned, tender bite to the dark, chewy texture that’s the hallmark of artisanal varieties. Offering impressive versatility, this machine bakes over 100 combinations of bread, dough, cake and jams, and more.
Stress reduction is damn near the holy grail of happiness and health. But let’s face it — the world seems hellbent on keeping everyone’s cortisol at a solid 9 out of 10 just about every waking moment. And with the constant barrage of advertising, social media alerts, emails, text messages, work-related fire drills, “Mom/Dad I’m hungry,” actual fire drills, natural disasters, news stories about nuclear missiles and global warming, inconsiderate/psychotic neighbors…All we’re saying is, everyone needs an impenetrable fortress of calm to retreat to every once in a while.
When they can’t rely on a standard door lock to keep people out of their living space, they need to get creative. But if they’re not up to rigging up booby traps everywhere they go, fret not. Someone already created a simple, pocket sized solution. The Addalock portable door lock is designed to provide the safety, security, and extra peace of mind needed when traveling or squatting in shady digs.
A “just good enough” chair may seem…well…good enough. But nothing could be further from the truth, at least as far as your skeleton is concerned. And just because someone is not yet at the stage of the biological cycle where their skeleton is visible doesn’t mean they should ignore it. An ergonomically designed chair by the ergonomic design OGs is exactly what the doctor ordered for an ailing office worker. Actually, the doctor didn’t order it. That’s why you need to.
Gneiss Spice ("Nice Spice") magnetic jars transform your cluttered spice cabinet into a functional work of art. For easy access, these magnetic jars are stored on a fridge or steel backsplash—no more digging through cabinets! When you have spices in your sights, you will use them frequently, becoming a more adventurous and confident cook. Gneiss Spice jars are made of durable glass and metal and are free of plastic. They eliminate the need for single-use, disposable spice containers because they are reusable and refillable. Refill spice jars at your local natural foods market or order refills from Gneiss Spice in compostable bags for a zero-waste system.
They say change always starts with the person in the mirror. But when you look into this mirror, you actually see two people. There’s you, and then there’s someone else in way better shape who’s trying to get you to do things you might not really feel like doing. And that’s not just any old fit person who’s goading you on — it’s an elite personal trainer from a top gym. So you better listen. This is the perfect workout gift for someone who needs that little bit of extrinsic motivation, but is narcissistic enough to kind of like staring at themselves while they work out. So, pretty much everybody.
The results are in, and it’s pretty unanimous: a good memory foam mattress means way better sleep. And rested humans are way nicer to each other, laugh more, and start fewer wars. And in case no one has told you, wars are bad for marriage. So when you consider all of the implications of buying a memory foam mattress, you start to see that it’s one of the greatest peacekeeping investments you can make.
The perfect book of assorted puzzles for adults to work out their aggro-boredom while stuck inside the house. Lots of cathartic swearing sprinkled among several types of word, logic, and number puzzles to keep the brain sharp and maybe coerce a chuckle or two from their jaded souls. This is an ideal way to redirect wayward mental energy into something moderately productive so they can take a break from starting fires on social media.
Traveling together can be a bonding experience. But if you’re going to be seen together, isn’t it time they lose that 1970s mustard colored softshell leather suitcase? Come on, you can be honest — it’s a little embarrassing. So help them join the 21st century with a decent luggage set. But on the other hand, maybe you’re not interested in traveling together at all. Maybe a new luggage set is just a nice way of saying, “Would you please go somewhere far away for a while?” It’s great for that too.
How to Pick the Best Gifts for Men
Whether you’re buying a holiday gift for your father or brother, a birthday gift for a guy friend, or something special for your husband or boyfriend, Thingamagift is here to help you find just the right unique gift for any of the various dudes in your orbit.
The truth is, there is no single set of rules for buying thoughtful gifts for men. That’s because male humans come in all different shapes, sizes, and personality types, and they have vastly different interests. We bet you didn’t know that!
We’ve put together a little mini guide based on some common man profiles, so hopefully you can come up with some great gift ideas for men based on a specific dude phenotype.

The Techno Man
You may think this guy has enough toys, but for the Techno Man, there is no such thing. We’ve got a long list of man toys and new gadgets for guys. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

The Cave Man
No, we’re not talking about Neanderthals. We’re talking about the modern man cave dweller. This guy loves kicking back, relaxing, and enjoying some high-tech entertainment or light recreation. Here are a few bang-up man cave gifts:

The Gastro Man
The Gastro Man loves all things food and drink. This group includes the stove kings, grill masters, booze hounds, and big eaters. Here are a few of the best gifts for men who love cooking, eating, drinking in all their glorious forms:

The Handy Man
Everyone needs a Handy Man around. But if you want him to be able to carry out his duties correctly, you’ve gotta make sure he’s properly equipped. Here are some cool gifts for guys who love fixing stuff:

The Rambler
Whether for work, wanderlust, or to escape international prosecution, The Rambler is always on the move. Here are some unique gifts for men who travel:

The Joker
The joker appreciates a well-played prank, loves a hearty laugh, is always in the mood for a good knee-slapper. He’s an admirer of levity in all its forms. Here some funny gifts for men with a grade-A sense of humor.